45 definitions by CTU_FieldAgent200

Basically when you fail to really impress a girl you end up in this shit hole. Its not quite hell but its not near heaven, its basically limbo, basically put you've got a football star who gets both his knees shot out and thats your comparison, very similar to your dogs dead but you can keep it if you want. See "I dont like you like that" and "lets just be friends". Woman's way of making trolling. Yes I have been trolled.
Friend-zone examples:

Bob: Hey Casey want to go out? *braces for the friend-zone*
Casey: Bob I don't like you like that I'm sorry lets just be friends
Bob: sure.....
Bob: *thinking*: shit shit shit i'm getting the fuck out of this
Bob: Yeah Casey friend-zoned me, definatly just wasted 4 weeks of my life and a good chunk of cash......
Tom: trolled!
Bob: Yeah....
by CTU_FieldAgent200 May 17, 2010
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Usually an event held for competing crews (rowing teams) to race each other. Large events usually contain various tents of buy-able items as well as each teams tent. Regatta's are usually interesting in that the weather usually sucks, you spend 90% of the time waiting for your event only for it to get delayed due to weather and when its time to race usually bow and 6 are no where to be found, you find your self flirting with the all girls crew teams conveniently placed next to your trailer, and last but not least or the limit of these epic events is the race which is usually 1500-5000 meters of pure hell (1500-2000 meters in the spring/summer months and 5000 meters in the fall). Lady's and gentlemen this is Crew.
Girl: Hey want to hook up this weekend?!!
Boy: I got a Regatta in toga' this weekend sorry
Girl: Oh...*goes up the list on hook up list*
Boy: *thinks* damn I guess I'm stuck with these ass clowns of rowers for the weekend.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 May 1, 2010
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Slang in the medical community for a so called sedation "protocol" or lack there of. Usually used when referring to combative/non-compliant patients, it consists of getting as many nurses as possible and/or possible large male nurses that usually don't speak much English but can squat 450lbs and bench 350lbs. If done correctly BRUTAINE does not require a HAM sandwich (Haldol-Ativan-Morphine) or any sort of drugs however if you get some really crazy people you might have to hit them pretty hard with something cruel like 100mg of chlorpromazine (aka the over used anti-psychotic of the 60's!!).
Nurse Annie: Doctor! Doctor! The patient is hitting/biting/being a pain in the ass and won't calm down! Help!

Doctor Smith: Did someone request an order for some BRUTAINE?!!!! *Gets out Rx pad* Nurse Vladimir go help Nurse Annie before I get wild and finish this order for 15mg of Versed to sedate that crazy GOMER that's been sitting here for weeks.

Nurse Vladimir: Yes Doctor /Russian accent. *Proceeds to overhead press patient then forcefully straps him into restraints in his bed*
by CTU_FieldAgent200 July 1, 2011
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The proper way to squat. Only girls and phaggots complain about this and if you think it kills your knees your just a pussy. Basically you go further pass parallel tell your ass is almost touching the ground ("grass"). This ensures you properly work all the muscles. And it looks way more bad ass. 225 ass to the grass or bust. Also known as ATG
Bob: *quarter squatting 225*

Frank: hey bob why don't you stop being a pussy and start squating ass to the grass *squats 315 ATG for ten reps*
by CTU_FieldAgent200 May 22, 2010
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1. A female or dog that literally physically holds onto you.

2. The worst case of a relationship or not actually a relationship 70% of the time. It starts off like any other relationship but the early symptoms are steep curve of attraction for the clinger so say they the subject female instantly wants a sexual relationship, they claim to love you, they quite literally fill your inbox or txt you at least 20 times a day up to 999 in severe cases though less is still subjected to extreme cases of anxiety, guilt and panic attacks, if your like me and already have anxiety you'll want to pay attention to the anti-clingy-female kit.

-Anti-anxiety agents like alcoholic beverages, xanax, etc. this will suppress your stress.
-Your cellphone carriers block number list
-Facebook privacy modifications
-Turn phone off in severe cases
Kill me now I just accidentally caught a clingy-female in the ocean of woman. Fuck...brb throwing phone into wall and downing half a bottle of k-pins.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 January 31, 2011
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A term coined by the manic bi-polar or just geeked up Charlie Sheen after he went all pyschosis following his firing from hit show Two and a Half Men. When a reporter told him "Some of your fans are concerned you might be bi-polar" he responded with "I'm not bi-polar I'm bi-winning!!!!!". Among many other terms he's repeated in his manic state. He also seams to think he has tiger blood and constantly repeats the term "WINNING!". Charlie will crash hard no doubt...
Charlie sheen: "I'm not bi-polar Im bi-winning!!!"

"Dieing's for losers, amateurs!!!"

"I've got tiger blood!"

"I hated that stupid show anyways!!!"
by CTU_FieldAgent200 March 9, 2011
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The illest sports sedan ever. The car is sleek looking but one wouldn't expect it to dust a porche 911, and a nissan skyline like an f16 vs a learjet. You will fuck shit up In this fine piece of German art.
Jimal: ah shit son my pumped up nissan is gonna wreck yo ass up shit son
Nate: cool story brah I can't wait to blow past your trash talking ass in my stock bmw m3 with 444 horse power at 180mph ripping through your ass like an f22 raptor. Better hold onto your shit tight.
by CTU_FieldAgent200 June 12, 2010
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