3 definitions by Butterfly13!

Vivian is a beautiful fun interactive and passionate girl. She knows how to have fun. She stands up for her friends and is a loving girlfriend. Vivian is the perfect girl to introduce to your family. Vivian is involved in her community. Vivian is very emotional and tends to keep her feelings hidden. Although she might be dealing with problems she puts up a lively front.
I meet Vivian at a party and she was dreamy.
by Butterfly13! January 25, 2019
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Used as an adjective when describing something so cringe and weird.

Created by: Emma Dowhie & Paloma Chavez
That’s so quis. Stop it you’re so quis.
by Butterfly13! December 7, 2020
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A girl that has been raised by nuns ,but rarely goes to Church. Breaks all the rules and never gets caught. Did dance and piano when she little then quit. Is called bitchy because of the school she goes to ,but can be the nicest girl you know. Is part of 3 sports year round only to be told her grind is expected .Works like crazy only to be told she doesn’t do shit. Loves her friends but has hu with at least one of her exes. Has liked at least one GAYlen boy but think Ransom and Gulliver boys are cuter. Is invited to a lot of parties but doesn’t want to go bc school gives her anxiety. Loves her family but they can be controlling. Seems like she is very happy and perfect but her life couldn’t be more of a mess. Wants to cry but holds it in. Turns into a powerful woman that later take her daughter to the same school.
(Adjetive) She is not a regular mom she’s a Carrolton mom.
(Noun) We went to the kickoff and the Carrollton girl was there.
by Butterfly13! September 14, 2019
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