16 definitions by Bubba_The_Retard

An act of being retarded.
Proving one that he is retarded, this known as showing (retardation).
An act of handicaped actions.
An act that proves that you are fucked in the head.
Josh was smacking his chest and drooling and acting like he has A.D.D. This proved that he as showing his retardation.
by Bubba_The_Retard June 8, 2006
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a dirty little hairy rat that shits all over your counch and dies 2 days after purchase.
Kid: I want a hamster for christmas!
Me: You stupid fag, go shove that rat up your ass.
by Bubba_The_Retard November 16, 2006
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THe shit that comes out of my dick when I feel turned on.
"I realised my supply of milk was running low, so I just made some homemade milk "
by Bubba_The_Retard June 23, 2006
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bitch of a fish that killed the Steve Robert Irwin :( , I hope their species get extinct.
That stingray stuck his ass pin in Steve Robert Irwin's heart, what a dick.
by Bubba_The_Retard September 7, 2006
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its spelled Canada you stupid dickless fags.

anyone who spells Canada as kanada shud immediatly commit suicide!
by Bubba_The_Retard November 16, 2006
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Some fukin homo with glasses that thinks there all that and likes to hang out at the library. Also someone who plays counterstrike and loves to hack. (Hax0rs)
In general:
-they have no life
-they laugh like homos
-their scronny bitchez that can't fight
-they play c.s.
Gangsta: Yo bitch get out of my way or il knock you!
Nerd: Il p00n j00 at c.s.
Gangsta: Lets go biatch!
................ Next day
Nerd: You g0t PwN3D , I am l33t l33t 1337, You are a N00bz0rs.
Gangsta: *Knocks Him*
Nerd: *runs home, cries and plays some more counter-strike*
by Bubba_The_Retard June 23, 2006
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He was a legend in pwning crocodiles. He unfortunatly died Sep 4/06 by some fukin stingray, damn that fish.
hey look Steve Robert Irwin caught a crocodile!
by Bubba_The_Retard September 7, 2006
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