4 definitions by Bitchandshit

Basically meaning for sure or definitely....Something u say when something is really true or right
Troy: Did you smoke that weed I gave you yesterday?
Weston: Ya dang right!
by Bitchandshit November 10, 2015
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Trying to decide when stuck in the middle of something rough or being in a tough situation. Also can be describing a bitch who gets in the way of everything and tries to ruin your life. Makes life a living hell.
1. I'm in such a bad place right now.....I'm in a fickle bitch.
2. She is such a homewrecker, she ruins everything!! I hate that fickle bitch
by Bitchandshit November 10, 2015
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Person that is white as hell yet tries to fit in with the blackest people EVER
Jaquon: Yo nigga you know that boy Dave?? I swear he is such a hoffler and Imma bout to tell him to screw off and shit if he doesn't stop tryin'a be black....he said he is even gonna change his name to Da' vonne.
Jamarcus: Aw hell no! Not while my black ass is alive! Aint gonna happen
by Bitchandshit November 10, 2015
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When you feel so good and everything is goin good
I got some positive vibes right now. I feel so good like I am on drugs or something
by Bitchandshit November 10, 2015
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