14 definitions by ApplesPotatoGardner

When you are promised something amazing, and encourage/work/pay to make it happen, but are really numb to the probability that it's inevitably going to be a let down, or not come to fruition at all.
Kickstarter Syndrome defined:

Person A: Did you see the new Kickstarter for Megamanolamarama?
Person B: Yea! I'm already a $100 tier backer!
Person A: Me too! AWESOME!

- Scenario A -
Release day: Person A & B: This game... sucks! Why did we back it again?

-Scenario B-
Person A as an old man: Remember when we gave money to some people online to make something cool we could experience?

Person B as an old man: Yea we were stupid back then weren't we?
by ApplesPotatoGardner July 26, 2016
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The Midwit Paradox is a phenomenon where a midwit or group of midwits cannot understand an out groups arguments, because they can't spot fallacious arguments that they and their own in group makes. How can anyone expect them to understand out group concepts & ideas when they can't spot the most blatant and openly fallacious mistakes of their own ideas?
Example of The Midwit Paradox:

Midwit: Significant disparities between racial groups can only be indicative of environmental or genetic reasons, and that any environmental factor must be racism!
Rationalist: That's a black & white fallacy. That is erroneous because many environmental factors such as culture, religion, and the differing traditional values, or various nuances that come with them are based on free choice. Anyone spouting what you are arguing via reductio ad absurdum would be forced to conclude that free will is somehow racist... which is ridiculous.
Midwit: No it's not, you're just rambling nonsense! The experts agree with me! That's not the consensus! SOUUUURRRCEEE? You're bad and a newtsee! Anyone else who agrees with you is also bad and a newtsee/boogeyman! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Rationalist: *Facepalm*
by ApplesPotatoGardner October 18, 2023
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To mock a midwit using their own bad logic to make an ironic argument in a way they would, but also in a way where most of them will actually agree lest they expose themselves to the wolves that are the other stupider less-aware midwits.

This works so well, because a vast majority of midwits are on the less-aware end and generally care more about agreeing with something they already agree with especially if many other midwits already agree they all agree with it!

Dissenters to the midwits ideals are thus automatically labeled, "bad" for X emotional, fallacious, or nonsensical reasons. Legitimate refutations of takes or disagreements are labeled as "hit-pieces". Anecdotal experiences with a single person from another disagreeing group automatically means that person and anyone who agrees with them is also "bad", etc. The reason The Midwit Trap works so well is to disagree with your agreeing yet mocking take is to open themselves up to the same "out group bad" mentality they and the others they surround themselves with have. This is The Midwit Trap.
An example of executing The Midwit Trap: Responding to a midwit online with "I agree." updoot and all, and then use the most openly blatantly stupid midwit logic they all would use to come to a conclusion that they would actually agree with. The trick here is the argument has to be so openly blatantly stupid/circular/hypocritical that even some of the midwits might notice. The trick here is it will never be the majority of the hivemind so any midwits who actually do notice and call you out, you can just turn around and throw them to the wolves that are the other 90% of midwits who were too dumb to get it. By doing this they will now be labeled as part of the out-group and therefore in the hivemind of the midwits, bad.
by ApplesPotatoGardner October 16, 2023
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A website that was once a gathering place for fun and friendly memes which was completely ruined by botted accounts dedicated to pushing left-wing/leftist political propaganda to the front page for the young user base to see and hopefully indoctrinate. Providing any actual evidence that goes against the hivemind results in being immediately downvoted and banned despite the reason simply having an opinion they don't like regardless of you're evidence against their narrative. The political bot accounts use each others memes and recycle them with small changes and intentionally leave out key facts to push lies and to push the idea that fact checking them itself is an act of evil. Without any actual moderation to stop this, it's become a dystopian nightmare. Almost as if John Oliver himself became a website.
Imgur: Funny cute cat video.
Imgur: Sob Story.
Imgur: Cool trick video.
by ApplesPotatoGardner March 3, 2023
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Some dude who claims to run a business, and keeps using certain buzzwords like "Cash Flow" and "Going big / Take it to the next level" constantly but in reality is learning by the seat of his pants and really has no idea what he is doing. Big dreamer, but lacks direction and knowledge. Not necessarily a bad guy, but that one Youtube video he watched about running a successful business is running through his head on nonstop repeat everyday and he acts like he's going to be a millionaire in the next 9 months.
Business Bro: Once I achieve optimal synergy with positive cash flow energy I'll blow up and go big so I can take it to the next level! Let's do this!
by ApplesPotatoGardner February 4, 2023
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Long ass shift.
(Pronounced "Lass")
Co-worker: You see last nights game?
Me: Nope I was on a LAS.
by ApplesPotatoGardner December 8, 2020
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Cultural Marxism

"Woke" is a colloquial term used to describe the manifestation of the latest iteration of Marxist principles as they are when applied to culture rather than economics. They've been targeting culture instead of economics roughly since the 1950s, when the Frankfurt school's adherents (Adorno, Marcuse, Horkheimer, Löwenthal etc) started moving to the States and other western nations. That's when they realized that focusing on economics and the class structure wasn't going to work, so they decided to try focusing on grievance groups instead (women and minorities), ergo you got MLK and his movement (and its modern versions like BLM), rainbow movements, feminist movements etc, which all get their philosophical and moral frameworks from cultural marxism.

Bonus fun fact: This definition is so accurate that Wikipedia has page dedicated to it calling it a, "far-right conspiracy theory", lol.
Normal person: Hey did you see the new intern? He's doing well.
Woke person: Don't assume their gender! They are just part of the patriarchy! I'm so tolerant of everything as long as it fits perfectly into my made-up worldview that I'm going to force everyone else to be part of and agree with! Agree with our group or you're the enemy bigot! You're either oppressed or an oppressor!
by ApplesPotatoGardner April 7, 2023
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