35 definitions by 7568ino

At one time (2019 specifically), this was the population of the world. Three 69s and a 420.
We did it! The world population is now 7,696,969,420!
by 7568ino November 5, 2023
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A label commonly given by elitists to bands that define themselves as a metal subgenre they believe is the catalyst of the downfall of heavy metal.
Elitists, or bullies who diss a band they don't like by using the term, can label metalcore (ex: Attack Attack!, Bring Me the Horizon), glam metal (Kiss, Mötley Crüe), nu metal (Korn, the early works of Deftones), alternative metal (the current works of Deftones, Egypt Central), and some hard rock bands—even though they tend to get mislabeled as that—as fake metal.
It's gotten to a point where people have even tried to say that the only true genre is the one that came from psychedelic, acid, and blues rock, common example for that being Black Sabbath, who also paved the way for doom metal by merging metal with classical and more blues (props to them), and that all these subgenres (thrash for example) are just profit-driven fucks. I think.

Regardless, it's a commonly used term, and there may be a holy war ongoing.

I'm trying to be as neutral as I can for defining this label, so I do apologize if any bias appears.
Elitist: Nu metal is not real metal, you've been brainwashed by the fucking fake metal! Go listen to Carcass, Death, or even Nile!
"Fake" Metalhead: All that stuff is way too amazingly talented for me. I think I'm gonna go listen to Slipknot now.
Me: Who the hell are these people?!
My friend: Welcome to today's society…also known as the fifth circle of Hell.
Me: I'm just gonna…walk away…and listen to whatever the hell I have in my library…

So I did. And the elitist and the metalhead continued arguing. Christ.
by 7568ino September 24, 2023
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Oh, boy. People will hate me for this. How joyous.
Nu metal is a subgenre of metal which takes influences from that and blends it with elements of other music genres such as hip hop, funk, industrial, and grunge.

Vocalists use various techniques including clean singing, rapping, screaming, and growls.
Guitarists (and/or bassists) will drop-tune their instrument in effort to produce a heavier sound, although some guitarists, like James Shaffer of Korn, will use seven-string guitars to either mod the sound and/or expand the range. This may be the part grunge kicks in, since grunge takes influence from sludge metal, which takes influence from doom metal...you get the point.
Drummers will mostly use two kick drums, although using a twin pedal is okay.
Some nu metal bands often bring in electronic sound into the music; often using drum machines, samplers, synthesizers, programming, etc.
Lyrics are often focused around personal issues, like drug addictions, depression, neglect, alienation, etc etc. Wait, doesn't that just make nu metal a heavier version of grunge?

Some notable nu metal bands include Korn (the genre's pioneers), Slipknot (although they do not use a specific label and let people come up with whatever they want), P.O.D., Sevendust, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Papa Roach, the early works of both Evanescence and Deftones, and more.
"rEaL" metalhead: Ugh...you disgust me. You think nu metal is the best thing that happened in the whole wide world? Blasphemy!
Nu metalhead: Yeah...right. Once you get a taste of Limp Bizkit, you'll-
Their neighbor, angrily throwing the door open while wearing their nightgown: IT IS THREE IN THE MORNING. SHUT THE FUCK UP.
by 7568ino November 3, 2023
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by 7568ino November 3, 2023
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Oh boy. Here we go into a giant rabbit hole filled with either positive definitions or hate definitions. And both ways do NOT have the likes topping dislikes...
Generally, a Slipknot fan is...well...a fan of Slipknot. That's really all there is to say.
Slipknot also has a general name for these fans: "maggots."

Some "common" (real maggots may correct me because I personally don't care about Slipknot) characteristics include:
1). Slipknot merch
2). huge factual knowledge about Slipknot and all side projects and other related artists
3). homemade masks that legitimately look like a Slipknot member would wear one (depends on if they're a hardcore fan or not)
4.) getting hated on which I DON'T condone, don't go out attacking anyone for their taste in music, especially if it's a genre/band you don't like at all
Josh: Okay, I'm just gonna search "slipknot fan" on UD, let's see what I get.

*30 seconds later*

Josh: What the fuck?
by 7568ino November 2, 2023
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1). A great Michael Jackson song.
2). A crunkcore act that was not great.
1). I love Blood on the Dance Floor!
2). I hate Blood on the Dance Floor...fuck Dahvie.
by 7568ino November 6, 2023
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One might interpret "breadline" in five ways:
1. a REALLY catchy song by Megadeth from their album "Risk"
2. poverty threshold
3. Breadline Africa (a poverty relief nonprofit)
4. soup kitchen(s)
5. rationing
Interpretation 1
The ScorpioN responding to someone on Megadeth's website: "Breadline" is about when Dave Mustaine and David Ellefson used to have to drive downtown everyday past the soup kitchens and they would see the derelicts out in the street with their shopping carts. They realized that if they didn’t make it soon they would be one of them because they were running out of options and they had no other choice but to make it or die trying.

Interpretation 2
Guy 1: ...so the average poverty threshold for a family of four was $26,172 in 2019, $25,701 in 2018, $24,257 in 2015, $22,314 in 2010, $17,603 in 2000, and $13,359 in 1990.
Guy 2: That much in the breadline over the years?
Guy 1: Yeah.

Interpretation 3
Recently, I donated to Breadline Africa. I'm praying all those folks will live better with what the NPO hopes for.

Interpretation 4
Guy 1: It's kinda sad seeing all those people at the soup kitchen...
Guy 2: Yeah, and even with the breadline, I don't even think no one will starve without-
Guy 2's scene chick: Ugh...can we go to the mall now? I really gotta get that sexy bracelet at Hot T-
Guy 2, whispering: Let's just go. You know how bitchy she can be...

Interpretation 5
Well...you probably know what rationing has to do with the word "breadline"...I don't, sadly.
by 7568ino October 25, 2023
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