3 definitions by 123qwetryuio123

Robert William Phillips (Professionally known as "Kidd Sno") is an American Rapper/Singer/Songwriter from Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
Yo, Did you hear the knew Kidd Sno song?

Yea bro, its so fire.
by 123qwetryuio123 July 4, 2022
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Tyler Michael Weisel (Professionally known as V!VID) is an American Rapper from Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
Dude, the new V!VID song is so bad.

bro, ikr
by 123qwetryuio123 July 4, 2022
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Keegan Matthew Powell (Professionally known as "Papa Coitus") is an American Rapper from Latrobe, Pennsylvania.
Yo did you hear the new Papa Coitus track?

i sure did, it was heat!
by 123qwetryuio123 July 4, 2022
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