1 definition by <KamikazeRomance>

John-A well rounded character.Intelligent, funny, dashing, corny at times, loyal, trustworthy, athletic, hardworking and determined but knows how to have a good time and is often optimistic but human, so like everyone else has his own problems, usually kept to himself.He is full of life and particular and careful Of love, he doesn't have patience for stupidity and ignorance.Plans/ thinks ahead for the most part, and very charismatic, has Maney friends and aquatences.Can hold grudges but lives and learns.Observent and loves his family.Will make the right woman feel like a queen one day,who compliments his vast personality and I.Q.gets caught up in conflicts often but only because he's strongly opiniated.Stands for what he believes in.Doesn't need a woman for abborant sexist tasks and enslavment, but to thrive and grow and experience the planet.Independent and has a bit of a dark side some find enthralling.Witty, and for the most part self virtuous.Tries to do things for the better and the sake of what is good, hardly selfish and protective.deals with pain and injustice towards himself and his peers maturly or tries his best.John is simply like the universe, full of mystery beauty and greatness.
"so you say he's wise,hilarious,good-looking, an charismatic?"
"Yeah like I said he's everything!"
"Must be John"
by <KamikazeRomance> January 13, 2012
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