12 definitions by zingerhoff

a rich, stay at home mom, driving a large SUV who thinks that everyone must move out of her way; generally applies to wealthy residents of Mandeville, La but this term may be used for similar people throughout the world
I have a Mandeville person behind me trying to cut across all the traffic.

I was trying to turn into the Barnes and Noble parking lot when this Mandeville person cut me off.
by zingerhoff August 16, 2009
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1. noun--proper name: character who was the template for all Stormtrooper clones in the Star Wars film series. Unlike his son Boba Fett, this character actually used his rocket, his blaster, his grappling hooks, and his generally fun array of equipment. He made many men who played with the Boba Fett action figure as a kid very happy.

2. verb: to be almost as fast and as smart as a Jedi, without using the Force; to fight with technology, like Batman
1. Jango Fett almost kicked that Jedi's ass, and he used his grappling hook and flew around with his rocket

2. That police officer Jango Fetted that criminal using his baton, handcuffs, and a rope.

3. While his son has the coolest action figure, Jango Fett did more than just stand there and look cool
by zingerhoff February 7, 2010
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1. to move quickly from one place to another as in a dream
2. to teleport
I was standing at the refrigerator and I jutamented to the couch the moment I had my snack in hand.

I was drinking coffee and I suddenly jutamented to a Colombian coffee field.
by zingerhoff August 16, 2009
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1. at
2. to

Used frequently in New Orleans and maybe other places where people either A) have not learned proper use of prepositions or B) are speaking a version of English infused with constructs from other languages
I went by your house yesterday, and you were not there.

Hey, they have a sale on ground meat over by John's Grocery.
by zingerhoff October 12, 2009
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when a little bit of butt shows out from under some very tight, short shorts
Jane had some major cheek peek going on when she was standing in line for her drinks.
by zingerhoff September 14, 2013
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I got toon horny after seeing Daphne in a bathing suit in What's New Scooby Doo.
by zingerhoff September 14, 2013
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the singular of rice
Dude you have a rous on your face.
by zingerhoff August 16, 2013
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