15 definitions by thetruth.

A name for the internet that more acurately describes what the internet is.
Joe: I'm gonna go on the titternet.

Bill: Titternet?

Joe: Yeah, you know, the free porn store on my computer.

Bill: You mean the internet?

Joe: Right, whatever it's called.
by thetruth. June 21, 2008
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The true spelling (internet spelling) for the word awesome. If you spell it like "osum" screw what everyone else says, you are awesome.
Tim: Yo Bill, that is quite osum.

Bill: osum?

Tim: Yeah, it's the hip new spelling for awesome.

Bill: Aw, gay.

Tim: No it's not, it's totally osum.
by thetruth. May 25, 2008
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When you stand forth, like a bolt of justice, getting in everyone's way to apply justice no matter what anyone else thinks or what the cost is. Like dropping a nuke on the house of a person you don't like, or pushing all your friends out of the way to get to a hot chick.
Earl and his friends are standing in a group and they notice a hot chick. They all talk about her and none know what to do. They're all like "holy crap i don't know what to do, I'm a retard." Then Earl fuckin pees on everyone in the group, making them look stupid. He lunges forward holding his hands out to block all his friends, and walks towards the girl and totally bones her.

by thetruth. March 10, 2008
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It's a word used by people who are making fun of nerds, they like to imply that the person they are making fun of would use a term like "interweb" to sound like a geek. The irony is, the only people who are actually using the word are those who are making fun of the supposed nerd. In fact, even being aware of the word in the first place made them a nerd. People who use the word "interweb" in seriousness or a joke, need to jump off a cliff, and land in a pit with all the people who say "meh" "lolz" and "n00b." Incidentally, those people also need to get a life. Seacrest out.
Person with sense: Actually you're wrong on that. Black people don't eat fried chicken all day, and you're a fucking retard for thinking so.

Person who is actually being talked to: Nuh uh, my mom told me it was a certain way, also my brother told me, and he plays WoW like all the time, so he's very smart.

Person who was just listening in and nobody actually gave a retarded shit about what this person thought: Ooh, the interwebs are very serious business.
by thetruth. May 17, 2008
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It's a word used by people who are making fun of nerds, they like to imply that the person they are making fun of would use a term like "interweb" to sound like a geek. The irony is, the only people who are actually using the word are those who are making fun of the supposed nerd. In fact, even being aware of the word in the first place made them a nerd. People who use the word "interweb" in seriousness or a joke, need to jump off a cliff, and land in a pit with all the people who say "meh" "lolz" and "n00b." Incidentally, those people also need to get a life. Seacrest out.
Person with sense: Actually you're wrong on that. Black people don't eat fried chicken all day, and you're a fucking retard for thinking so.

Person who is actually being talked to: Nuh uh, my mom told me it was a certain way, also my brother told me, and he plays WoW like all the time, so he's very smart.

Person who was just listening in and nobody actually gave a retarded shit about what this person thought: Ooh, the interwebs are very serious business.
by thetruth. May 17, 2008
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when a nigga's shit is so ridiculous and boyhood, he needs to be told what the fuck is up, down, left and right all at once.
Nigga: Yo girl you know I got a nice car, let me get that numba.

Nigress: Nigga please, first of all (etc etc)
by thetruth. August 20, 2009
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Some place where little weaboo fags go to pretend they are a part of Anonymous and act like they are interwebs hotshots, also hot shitz. Just because you are anonymous over the internet doesnt mean you ARE anonymous. When president bush goes on the internet, is he anonymous? No. 4chan is a cesspool where little weaboo's go to get preyed upon by child molestys. They think they are hotshots because they get to say naughty dirty racist things on the interwebs and post gross pics (most of which are fake) because they are too fucking weak to unleash their pathetic racist sexist thoughts in real life. The site 4chan is hyped as being this great place where a lot of the internet memes are invented. It seems more to me like a place where internet memes go to die, and also a place where ALL the people who dont and will never understand ANY of the internet memes go to hang out. It is just some hyped website, that in reality is fairly indecipherable and everyone just talks about themselves. Probably because themselves is the only person they have talked to/had sex with in the past year.
There is no example, it's just a bunch of random shit.

by thetruth. August 29, 2008
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