18 definitions by redPooka

Descriptive term derived from the compound words "fiction" and "propaganda"

Fiction written with the conscious or subconscious intention to recruit readers into accepting a certain morality system, philosophy, political view or religious doctrine.
The novel had some good moments, but I was put off by the fictioganda premise.

Anne Rice's newer work is pure fictioganda.
by redPooka March 17, 2011
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A male senior citizen who is well-versed in and/or familiar with technological advances, current events and personalities trending in the news

The male equivalent of a Trend Gram
Ever since we got the internet Dad's become a real Trend Pop.
by redPooka August 28, 2012
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A compound term derived from the words Dianic and drone

A male who is subservient to Dianic feminist ideals or platforms, and subsequently voices disparagingly generalities about his own gender.
Our Dianic drone neighbor had a spaz attack when my husband asked me to make coffee.

She really has her Dianic drone well-trained.
by redPooka September 2, 2012
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1. An individual who stands outside their home talking loud enough that everyone in the neighborhood has to hear their conversation. 2. An individual who knowingly rants their opinions and views loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.
We were kept up half the night by the neighborhood soundbyte.

The neighborhood soundbyte keeps us abreast of the town gossip, whether we want to hear it or not.

The neighborhood soundbyte is foaming at the mouth again.
by redPooka January 25, 2012
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A female senior citizen who is well-versed in and/or familiar with technological advances, current events and personalities trending in the news

The female equivalent of a Trend Pop
My great-aunt is a genuine Trend Gram!

The Trend Grams were in full force this morning at the internet cafe.
by redPooka August 28, 2012
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A combination descriptive term derived from the words "fornicate" and "formula" used to describe a type of literature (usually of a romantic or sensual theme) that relies unnecessarily on coarse words, modernly stereotypical character development and repetition of limited terminology throughout erotic passages. Basically, an uninspired style of grinding out predictable porn under the guise of modern and/or kick-ass romantic literature.

Antonym: purple prose
Normal writing: her fingertips drifted over his lean, hard torso, inching slowly toward his erect manhood.

Fornicula: she touched his gut and groped his dick.

Normal writing: The glint in the handsome rogue's eyes enchanted her entirely, silencing forever the voice of reason that warned this could be a mistake.

Fornicula: Damn the consequences! She wanted to screw this man-ho!
by redPooka March 17, 2011
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A specific form of ad nauseam resulting from the excessive broadcasting of Geico commercials.

Feelings of disgust or annoyance that result from being exposed to too many Geico promotions.
I've started muting commercial breaks just to avoid the Geico ad nauseam.
by redPooka January 8, 2021
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