5 definitions by drfvidal

1. A rubber dildo, only functional for pleasing non-discriminating, pathetic women who have enough with a cold, "flexible" item. 2. A person who is pathetic, without self-esteem, or too soft. 3. A dickhead, loser or prick.

First used on the screenplay/future movie "Turn (Marked contrast)", by Frank Vidal.

Joe: "Henry wants to ask you out, but he doesn't have the courage."
Steph: "Well, he better not get it, 'cause I'm not into silicone pickles."
by drfvidal June 10, 2006
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Family Medical Leave of Absence. Authorization to leave work to tend to a next of kin's sickness.
After the accident, Joe's wife was bedridden for two weeks, so he took FMLA.
by drfvidal January 5, 2006
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An emergency contraceptive pill (levonorgestrel). When taken within 72 hrs. of sexual intercourse where no other contraceptive was used, or what was used didn't work, Plan B decreases the risk for pregnancy by almost 90%. It's available by prescription, except in California and New Mexico, where it's available OTC. It's different from the abortion pill, which actually causes an early rejection of the embryo, AFTER the woman is already pregnant. Plan B INTERFERES with the process of fertilization, BEFORE it happens. It doesn't protect against STD's though.
Ken: "Oops, babe, I just noticed that the rubber broke..."
Barbie: "Don't worry... I got a supply of Plan B."
by drfvidal May 31, 2006
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1. A rubber dildo, only functional for pleasing non-discriminating, pathetic women who have enough with a cold, "flexible" item. 2. A person who is pathetic, without self-esteem, or too soft. 3. A dickhead, loser or prick.

First used on the screenplay/future movie "Turn (Marked contrast)", by Frank Vidal.
Joe: "Henry wants to ask you out, but he doesn't have the courage."
Steph: "Well, he better not get it, 'cause I'm not into silicon pickles."
by drfvidal May 17, 2006
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Self-analysis of our own motive or attitude toward something. Looking deep within ourselves to find why we think or act the way we do, regarding a particular situation.
You're treating Tina like shit, dude... you better do some soul searching, 'cause I think it's because you want her to leave you, so you can hit on Beth without feeling guilty.
by drfvidal May 17, 2006
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