108 definitions by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx

One who lets sensitivity, going with the crowd, and utopian thinking get in the way of common sense. Democrats are the worst of two evils. They believe in socialism, cracking down on free speech with hate speech laws, recognizing the ridiculous and unscientific concept of third genders, and refuse to recognize that unborn children are still children
A democrat is someone who values what other democrats say more than the truth.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx February 5, 2021
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An incredible disappointment and an incredible failure. Like, this makes a failing drug addict high school dropout look like a HUGE SUCCESS.

I had a shitty 2019 for personal reasons, and I went into 2020 thinking it was gonna be my year. I was finally going to turn my life in the right direction, I was going to start fresh, and I was going to go down the right path. I woke up on January 1, 2020 as enthusiastic as ever.

Oh, who the hell was 2020 kidding? Literally the day after I said 2020 was my year, I hear that there's a deadly coronavirus going around in China. Okay, I thought, maybe they'll contain it, maybe the international community will handle it, maybe it will all be fine, and mayb..... NOPE!

Two weeks later, the outbreak has reached the US. Okay, I thought, maybe the US, with our great hospital system, huge economy, high human development index will handle it. Maybe we'll close our borders, maybe we'll do some minor containment measures, maybe if we all wash our hands it will be fine, and mayb... NOPE!
People in the US (including politicians on both sides) totally downplayed, lied, and made this political. So COVID-19 reached America and on March 13, 2020, we shut down. My school switched to online, my grades rapidly deteriorated, and my life went to crap again. My life had just turned around for the better, it was shooting up, but there had to be that glass ceiling that would bounce me back, and my head smashed into the ground. Worse, our country went into huge unrest, the economy went into the toilet, and we all got divided. We narrowly avoided world war on several occasions. Our freedoms have been taken away in the name of containing a virus that has already spread far, far beyond the point of containment. Wildfires, hurricanes, second and third waves of COVID-19 have made this already terrible year worse. It's starting to feel like a movie. This year is just so insanely bad. It's unprecedented. You know what 2020, I expected a lot from you, I wanted to turn my life around, but NOPE! Now I have zero faith in 2021, but dear 2021, please prove me wrong and I will be eternally grateful.

Fuck 2020, I had faith in you and you failed so bad. If a future generation reads this, don't forget 2020, it's the worst tragedy in history since WW2.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx November 8, 2020
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2020 has been a shit show. Literally everything that could possibly go wrong has gone wrong.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx December 1, 2020
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A system where non elected bureaucrats heavily influence the government and control the population under the guise of a national emergency. Faucism relies on panic, so usually these bureaucrats will try to panic the population so they can control more.

The term was coined by Florida governor Ron DeSantis, who declared that "Florida chooses freedom over Faucism". The term itself is named after Dr. Anthony Fauci, one such bureaucrat.
COVID was waning in June of 2021, so the bureaucratic CDC and their faucism came up with the delta variant and now everyone is panicking once more.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx July 30, 2021
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A person or task that is irritating, challenging, or annoying, usually more so than it has to be.
I am a medic and every two years I have to get recertified. It's an unnecessary pain in the ass, because I have to file about 10 million papers and every two years they change it, and it's pointless anyways because I'm obviously not going to suddenly forget how to do my job.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx November 16, 2021
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When one of the spouses gets a little too bored of their significant other, and their eyes start to wander.
Billy: "How could she DO this to me? How could she be with another man behind my back?!"

Jake: "But dude, don't you also have an Extramarital affair?"

Billy: "SHUT UP! That's not the point!"
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx June 10, 2020
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A deliberate act designed to scare, annoy, harm, or kill someone, that is executed in a way that appears to be an accident and thus the person who committed the act ideally gets away with it.

An example: Johnny really hates his wife. She's the worst thing that ever happened to him. He wishes she could die. But he doesn't want to go through the divorce process. So Johnny waits for his wife to be at the top of the stairs, and when she is, he lifts her up and tosses her headfirst down the stairs. She passes away. Emergency services show up and she is pronounced dead. No one ever suspects Johnny murdered her, and even if they do, it's impossible to prove it. Johnny gets away with it and marries his mistress.
Because of these "faked accidents", murder rates are higher than officially counted. Countless people get away with murder and other crimes and they walk among us, completely unsuspected. Drew Peterson, a cop from Illinois, is a great example. He got away with drowning his wife in a bathtub until her body was reexamined 5 years later.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx October 14, 2020
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