2 definitions by NottaFanNEMore

- An error or fault resulting from defective judgment, deficient knowledge, or carelessness.

- A misconception or misunderstanding.

- A word people like to throw around when someone they claim to be "friends with" does something they don't agree with or like. A way of belittling someone. A way to try and manipulate people's actions or future actions. Ignorance.

See clannie, plague, tard, sheep, lemming, troll, whoops, opps, WTF.
1) "I made a grave mistake when I ate that Haggis. It looked good, but it tasted like ass."

2) "When I called you "smart", I had no idea you were really such an idiot and a lemming. My mistake."

3) "I have to allow people to make mistakes. It's not my fault they like people who I think SUCK."


"Being friends with Jane Doe is a mistake. But, I won't tell you what to do or how to think."
by NottaFanNEMore December 6, 2004
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A term to define a crowd of negative, hateful, vindictive, malicious, abusive, people who have no concept of kindness, consideration, or "Harm None", despite the number of "Wiccans" in the actual crowd. See lemmings, sheep, queen, clannie, spellchecker, guinness, cancer.
"You goin' out tonight?"
"Naw. The plague of people that will be there makes me want to just rent movies at Blockbuster, and stay my ass home."
by NottaFanNEMore December 6, 2004
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