14 definitions by MS

work-shy bloater.
once prolific in its native island habitat. now lurking in berkshire.
similar work ethic to the fuck wit.
"i would have no hesitation in recommending seg for the job; he works like two men - laurel and hardy"
by MS December 23, 2003
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A hugger. The girl who loves hugs she will do anything for just a hug. An adjective used to describe a pair of gorgeous legs. Sexy, shapely, lusciously long legs.
An artistic, independent minded girl. She doesn't need anyone but herself to help her on her way. She is wild, fun, and a great friend. She can be stubborn, and won't stop an argument until she has made her point, but she is also forgiving and loyal. She is the bravest of her friends, often a daredevil. She won't be into the mainstream things in society, but make herself her own style.
Boi 1: Is that Emma?

Boi 2: Yep

Boi 1: I wish she was in my arms

Boi 2: Me too


Boi 2: oh Nothing.....
by MS September 22, 2017
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The most assfaced person of all times, very gay and n00bish.

=J= M-C came to my house yesterday
-L- OMG john, you are a grade-A tosser!
=J= I know :-(
by MS January 30, 2005
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The process whereby one's own plans are shunted aside to make way for what someone else wants to do. The offender's act(s) can often go unnoticed, and "snowploughed" can be uttered (most commonly as an interjection) to make them (and anyone else around who will listen) realise just how appalling their selfishness really is.
M: So you guys want to go to McD's?
All: Yeah, why not
(Enter S)
S: Let's all go somewhere completely different for lunch today!
All: Yeah, why not
M: *sigh* .. snowploughed
by MS March 27, 2005
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Gorgeous Red Headed Goddess
Carmen Elektra is a vanisha
by MS October 8, 2003
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the resulting human material (non-living) after a united states attack on "Iraq" or, insert middle-eastern-flavor-of-the-month "here".
Hank: Damn y'all check all that bomb sauce.
by MS March 10, 2004
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