3 definitions by Hahauhahajshsbhz

Daiki is referred as the nicest guy in the world. Even though he has issues with love, He is usually generous. HE is really good at sports and can attract girls with a smile. If you are a Daiki, you are very lucky

Daiki is indeed a epic fortnite player and legend says that he also beat Ninja

Daiki is a little below average in terms of studies but he is well ahead in terms of sports for his age
Daiki is cool Af
by Hahauhahajshsbhz January 23, 2019
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A good but annoying person. He is a perv but sometimes, he understand people. He thinks himself as the best mobile player but a mobile player called Shreyas. He tries touching peoples dick but he has been caught by the teacher several times

He sucks at running and even lost to a nerd. If you are a haruto, you might have friends but also unlucky.
Haruto is an Ikemen
by Hahauhahajshsbhz January 28, 2019
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Te best friend you will ever have. He is knows to be smart and also cool. He has 10/10 Japanese skills and there is no one who doesn’t like him. He is also the most successful person you will ever see. If you are a Shreyas, you are one hell of a lucky guy
by Hahauhahajshsbhz January 28, 2019
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