1 definition by Epictoast

1. A liz is someone who is beautiful, talented, and almost always really smart. Occasionally they may be stubborn and persistently attempting to prove their point but with always good reasoning. So considerate that even when the situation is not really hilarious a liz laughs at things but when is funny begins to crack up. A liz is often correct and competitive, most of the times a liz also wins. The only down side to a liz is that they may be a sore loser and not know when to give up. They are defined as know-it-alls and often confused with the term "little Einstein". They are athletic, amazing, outgoing, people. (They can be flexible too) They have a total desire to be filling themselves with chocolate every second of every day and have a strong hate towards white chocolate. They, like most kids, have a tendency to be playing video games but also continuously be moving and playing preferably outside. Lizs' are adored by many people and enjoy challenges, anything related to academics, and most of the time favors the subject (art) of Gym.
2. Also the nickname usually given to an Elizabeth.
1. The act of being ridiculously competitive or genius like.
Person #1: Darn It!
Person #2: What happened?
Person #1: I lost the game at school today.
Person #2: Yeah I know, Liz's team beat you.
Person #1: -_- Shut Up
Person #2: No she's so awesome and smart and pretty.
Person #1: ... and competitive.
by Epictoast December 30, 2014
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