10 definitions by Aki

Today someone asked me about meeps, I've been asked this question many times. Sometimes it comes as, "What is a meeps?" or "What does meeps mean?" I think some people think its supposed to be a means of telling them to move, like a car. Or some others think its some sort of insult - but it's not! I swear, there is no secret hidden meaning.

Simply put meeps is anything you want it to be. Often intonation is the key to the meaning behind meeps. Say you're really annoyed, you can't just scream or have an "I'm annoyed" expression on your face, but you can say meeps like you're annoyed and your present state of being is well known. Or if you're really excited, letting out a meeps is a good way to express it.

Meeps can also be a name, for example my computer and car are both named meeps. It can be a filler, for example say you're thinking and someone is expecting some sort of response out of you - to stay them off from eating you up, just utter a meeps. You sound less dumb than an ....uhhh....uhhhh... and it will buy you some time.
Wussup meeps? - as a person
Lame ass meep. - diss
Meeeps!!!! - excitement
i think the point is .... meeps .... the point is to do x y or z. - used to fill space
by Aki September 30, 2004
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Adj. Something that is so awesome, it's deserving of the -pw prefix, which can be taken to mean "greatly". Therefore, pwesome means "Greatly awesome."
"That movie was pwesome."
by Aki February 19, 2005
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Used to refer to a person or an object that is from the country of Japan. Japanese people exhibit several noticeable characteristics:
1) Average height of a Japanese male is 5'7" but is gradually increasing because of changes in diet. Average height of a female is 5'4".
2) Average weight of Japanese people is significantly lower than that of other countries. However, it is also increasing because of changes in diet.
3) Japanese (like Koreans) are easily distinguishable from other Asians because they have the smallest eyes and flat faces. As a result, eye-widening surgery is by far the most popular surgery in Japan and Korea. This is evident in the way their celebrities look.
4) Baseball is by far their most popular sport, followed by soccer.
5) Are workaholics that live in a technogically advanced society, with world leaders in video gaming, automobile, and electronics companies.
6) Also tend to live in extremely cramped spaces, with half the population of the U.S. squeezed into a space the size of California.
"At the moment, anime and video games are the most prominent thing that are associated with the Japanese."
by Aki May 27, 2004
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"a transvestite werewolf; a werewolf that enjoys dressing in drag." noun.
I was attacked by a confused dickenthrope.
by Aki December 11, 2004
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To be completely, absolutely, one-hundred percent word hammered word.
Man, I was at Martin's party last night, and I got SOOO Skunked!
by Aki October 9, 2003
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1. Adjective. Means disturbed, perverted, abnormal.

2. Noun. Hardcore pornography in Japanese animation. Softcore porn would be called "ecchi".
There are anime out there that are hentai.
by Aki April 14, 2004
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