188 definitions by 4_u

I have not stopped thinking of you tonight
Literally.. not for a second

It's 2am. I never thought about this before
But my intuition has felt strong the last few days..

I never thought about how I'd feel when I realised..

My words.. had reached you..

I'm speechless
I'm not sure of what I'm feeling.. the only other option is.. I've finally lost the plot ๐Ÿง
by 4_u October 3, 2023
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There's too many..

Surely.. your typo.. you said you read all the descriptions.

You read their usernames too right?

The question you asked that I answered wrong..
Yes you were very funny..
I was just stunned..

So what should my answer have been?

The 'window' moments..
The tattoo..

The ermm.. tasty treats?

I don't believe that is all nothing.

A mere coincidence..

The number trail you leave..

Tracing a path through the stars for me.

You transcend the mundane.

So.. if coincidences they are not..

How long.. till our paths can finally cross?
I don't believe in coincidences.

You can feel the difference between a simple chance happening..
Or being right where you're supposed to be. With the right person. At exactly the right time.
by 4_u August 3, 2023
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Oh no I am permanently confused! Does she see any of what I write. Whether the things I was reading were from her.. searching for that one thing.. that would tell me yes or no.

Your riddles I think.. depend on knowing the author, if you know they're for you, you look for the hidden meanings, personal things, inside jokes. Otherwise they could mean anything.. makes it difficult to pin down.. it's still interesting either way!

No that actually makes perfect sense.. you've got a real wisdom when it comes to love you know. I'm so infatuated sometimes it overrides my senses completely. Not that I have any problem with her being my constant thought.. I love how deeply she makes me feel.. I hope she felt something similar.

What are these things that have knocked you down this year? Maybe I can help a little.. he's likely scared of losing you in some way, I know that fear has silenced me.. made me seem cold when I wanted the exact opposite.

I am Gemini yes.. you still didn't tell me yours? You are goin have to explain stalker further ๐Ÿ˜‚ friendly stalking might be a new phrase in the English language.

I'm thankful for this too.. I would love for it be a sign of fate. Somehow.. it still feels like we are fated. No idea how.

That is so cheesy.. but Il make an exception for you, this one time.. if you can still believe.. then so can I.

We'll believe together
Tell me some of these why's you want answered.. maybe I can help?

I've told you a lot about her too.. can I ask you about him?

You mentioned feeling things the first time you met.. as did I. I remember that moment so clearly. Can you remember any specific thoughts you had? I can literally.. recall things I said to myself on that night.. despite how long ago it was. I remember our first conversation at the bar.. how quickly my heart was pounding.

Is there anything particular that draws you to him or is it just that he's your type? Sorry for all the questions!

She lit a fire inside me that night. One that will never go out
by 4_u August 28, 2023
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I've always been a descriptive person.. I like rarely used words.. elevating importance using words out of context..

But this.. you.. us.. it's beyond anything I've known, beyond the breadth of language.. I prayed you could see it in the depths of my brooding gaze.. that it wasn't just my body and senses going fucking WILD in your proximity.. that you know you changed me..

As a person, as a man, as a lover..

That you KNOW these words.. that belong to me.. I give to you
In front of you whenever you need a defender..
By your side when you need a shoulder to lean on.. a hand to hold.. or arms to rest in..
At your back to lean on for support..
I struggle to express anything succinctly.. because you.. are my everything

My reason. My light. My sun. My Queen.. and my love

I have practiced.. saying it aloud.. adding your name.. just makes my heart flutter.. I'm LONGING to say it to you face to face.. an Il say it over and over.. think there may be tears that day :) anddddd I just thought of gently brushing them from your cheek with my thumb.. ugh my heart aches so badly 4u!

I look to the days I can rest my hands on your hips as I stand behind you, messing around in the kitchen together.. leaning round to kiss your cheek.. having your legs wrapped round me as I pick you up.. dancing round the living room..

I can't imagine the rhythm.. synchronicity.. that we'll share.. intuition extended from the mind and heart into every single touch.. the excitement that gives me.. is difficult to contain..

We will flow together.. I can feel it..

I think u can too..

I had a thought.. people equate 3 to 'i love you' a lot

Maybe we should use 4 now the names added.. it already holds special meaning.. (4us) and honestly.. I can't let this love be compared to anyone else's
This IS totally unique..

Lets me personalise using 143 too.. though.. I like shortening your name several ways though.. so would it be.. 1434, 1435.. or 1439?

This world.. is 4us.. everyone else is just living in it
But we.. will fucking conquer it
by 4_u October 1, 2023
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I don't know what to define. I don't know much at all anymore.

I've given away everything I can, yet still don't know.

I don't know even know who I'm talking to.

Or if you're even talking to me.

I know what my heart says.. and wants.. but nothing more
by 4_u August 13, 2023
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If there's anything beyond the existence we know
I'm definitely being tested

I'm struggling, with everything

It's getting harder everyday
Not being able to look into your eyes
Missing the warm feeling when you were near
Hearing your beautiful voice..

It's testing my heart
Testing my sanity
by 4_u September 7, 2023
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I can't find a full version of your book.. think I get it but again you have another unusual reference point lol

Ermm writing stuff down.. is takin a looooong time.. giving me endless questions.. and confusion

Poem not done yet sorry.. it's gotta be my best effort right? Can't be your pupil, take all this praise an then not deliver.. this one's definitely got me working hard but but not sure how long it'll take to finish

Im glad you have people there for you.. Wish I could say the same about a few I worked with. Haven't spoke to 1 I really considered a friend an that is stinging. The rest though, can seriously go fuck themselves

Accounts.. PLURAL?! Fuckin hell girl how is he ever supposed to work this out.. I've got 2 that I think are yours.. not gonna tell me though are you..

The rhyme.. Im not sure how I saw that. Or came up with something that kinda fit. Difficult to rhyme with a name isn't it..

Maths problems.. huh.. you do realise, I'd be the one teaching for those right?

1199.. and 456..
1199 I just can't find a link to.. that one stumped me
The initial one though was 456.. again I'm interpreting.. could be anything, but if I had a number.. I'd say it was 457.. or just 47 like I said before. Though I could make multiple things for the number of letters.. or an angel number? They used to seem REALLY fitting to what I had going on.. but now they seem more generic, all just goodwill messages that would suit most.. but some, honestly they were uncannily timed..
Yeah involving other people can be dangerous.. specially with matters of the heart. Noone else can ever understand the connection other people have, its theirs alone

I had 2 world people tell me she wasn't interested in me at all.. a few months apart this year and both times, it seriously broke me

Olive juice.. ermm.. ok I need to ask.. HOW!?

I'm glad you're doing better ๐Ÿ˜Š 162.. I think that's what the wait is for. I get why too. Just not big on the idea of 5 months feeling like this while my head continually tortures me

I did watch it.. hmm not really my favourite thing to eat either! I am really.. really trying to not give in to it.. something feels different the last week or so but I'm still not sure how yet ๐Ÿค”

The many years poem wasn't mine, I posted that when I first joined. Reading so many of yours.. I sat one night in the bath for about 2 hours reading countless love poems trying to learn to get the creative juices flowing and I came across that..

I wish I could claim the credit because I love it..
And I'l keep writing for her until mine surpass all others

I'm not sure where the fuck to even start with all the questions.. I'm still writing.. and now I potentially have other accounts to decipher.. FUCK ๐Ÿคฏ๐Ÿ˜œ

Also gonna make a final tally of the Joincidences.. don't even get me started on the links to some of your words or your fucking typos. You might be a literary genius
by 4_u September 24, 2023
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