if you know a servando or are a servando then you are a hella lucky person, he is the sweetest, cutest, bestest guy ever. known for his warm lips and adorable eyes. Passionate and loving, although at times is known for being a jerk.
one of the most beloved people on the face of the Earth.
hey is your boyfriend nice to you?
ofcourse, he is Servando.
by Nowalia February 15, 2011
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The most humble and caring person in the world willing to give up his life for anybody, he may seem cold, serious and ignorant but is actually very understanding and loving once you get to know him, he is also lots of girls dream guy ;)
-Do you know Servando?

-Yes I know him well he is an awesome human being!
by Danielle A. November 24, 2021
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Guy 1: oh hey guys come right in
Guy 2 :Hey so are we going to go bowling or what?
Guy 1: yeah just let me finish up my the servando special first
by jdimndtrcks December 21, 2010
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