A super funny guy who is also super cute! Very athletic but can be lazy when they wanna be. Has no chill when you piss him off but Is also very sweet and caring to the people they love. Donavons are great in bed! Donavons get jealous really easily, so don't talk to other men! Donavons love kids! When you first meet a Donavon he can be very shy, but don't worry he will open up if you let him and don't ignore him. Donavon is the best person you will meet!
Ex-Man I like Donavon but he is hella shy
-don't worry girl he is really sweet!
-ooh okay I'll give him a chance!
by TheGuyYouLove June 29, 2017
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An all aroung nice person loves to make people happy want to have a good time and hang with friends most Donavon have athletic abilities and are great in bed and usually has a very cute smile Donavon is a good boyfriend to have
Girl Donavon is so sexy

I Know he is great boyfriend material
by DDIrty money August 18, 2011
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A class role model. A visual representation of what a man should be. Donavon can be introverted at first but once you get to know Donavon he’s one of the funniest people you’ll ever meet. He’s the hardest worker in the room and always looks out for the little guy. Donavon is family oriented but likes his privacy. He accomplishes more when he’s able to think on his own but when it comes to group events he has no issue stepping up to the leadership position. Favorite activities include hangin with the boys, smokin fatwoods, and playing video games. Donavon is a passionate guy and always has the best advice. Overall Donavon is simply a great person to have in your life.
Wow what a nice guy

Yeah, he’s a donavon
by Yatted.lo May 16, 2020
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A man who is usually very short, bad with women and thinks he is a stud. Donavons usually have red hair and think they are tough, although most Donavons are not good fighters.
Mike Tysons going to murder that Donavon in the ring tonight!
by Don Juan The Flame September 9, 2009
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A scrawny boned boy with no muscle that makes up dumb remixes of songs that have you wanting to kill yourself. Likes to start fights he can't finish
Synonyms: loser, scrub,weak, child
Look at donavon he's singing rolle polle rolle polle dab of ranch
by Fhhgg March 15, 2017
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Person who claims to have a ginormous penis, and usually claims a measurement 8 inches above its actuality. Very much into ninja stuff, anime, sex, and other lame things. The worst donavons are born in August.
Hi i'm a donavon and my penis is 12 inches long and goes down to my knee.
by GodBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch October 14, 2008
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Someone: Have you seen Matt Donavon?
A very wise person: You mean Ratty Matty?
by Urgirlmia March 20, 2022
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