Is he gonna get her into bed already?
He's been chirpsing her all night!
by G September 3, 2003
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To flirt.
Im churpsing them girls.
Im churpsing with her.
by SpungehDC September 8, 2011
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Name given to your mate when they purposely get in the way of your attempt to get with or 'churpse' a girl. Also can be used as churpseburgald to show that the 'churpse burglar' has struck.
Dave is such a churpse burglar. He churpseburgald Ben so bad last night.
by lad7222 April 25, 2010
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When you chat up or 'churpse' a girl you don't actually like to make someone you really fancy jealous
"Does Matt like that girl he's with?"

"Naa man, it's a strategic churpse"
by BBB23 April 29, 2010
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To chat up girls randomly on the street verse in a bar or club. This would typically be after an unsuccessful night out at a club and trying to chat up the remaining girls on the streets waiting for a taxi home or in kebab shops.
Friend 1; Where is. Adam? We need to go home

Friend 2; He is off street churpsin those girls over there

I had an amazing night in the end, the club was whack but managed to street churpse on the way home.

Friend 1; " Might I just say madam, I think you Are absolutely stunning'
Friend 2; " Deshawn is off again..... Street churpsin!!!
by Jon b April 11, 2017
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