When a person defames, disrespects a person in public , the action is termed arnabed
Recently, Arnab Goswami was arnabed by a fellow passenger as a taste of his own medicine.
by RationalistHindu January 28, 2020
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When balanced-rational media houses start being bigoted hate-factories for mere TRPs and direct/indirect favours from the incumbent Govt.
Beginning around 2014, Indian journalism showed a disturbing trend of Arnabization that led to the Delhi riots in the year 2020.

- Modern Indian History (2050 edition)
by BhaktRemovalSpray March 5, 2020
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A word used for someone most people want to be like
Shit dude, I just can't get this girl to look at me...I wish I was Arnab.
by mrplaya July 23, 2010
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He is a boy who is loyal as a soldier , He loves to talk to girls and is a bloody pervert but he doesn't have bad intentions he will never break your heart but if you break it he will be angry

I wish I could become Arnab
I wish I could be Arnab.

Oh my! I love Arnab
by Aryan)kqwer November 24, 2021
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observes (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.
he arnabed her at her desk everyday at 4pm while making coffee, which really was just a flimsy excuse to arnab her...
by willington p. multeaser January 7, 2010
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India's Joseph Goebbels. Has a mastery in rabble-rousing and dealing in alternative facts.
Did you watch Arnab Goswami's tv show last night? He is such a hypocrite.
by Antibhakt November 27, 2021
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