33 definitions by cool4dude

Roofies put into a glass, can, or bottle of Mountain Dew.
I think the weird guy at Burger King gave me some Roofie Dew
by cool4dude April 29, 2005
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br34d is a food made from w33t. There are, however, other varieties like "wh1t3 br34d" and "ry3 br34d"

You can also heat br34d and make t04st.
Bob had br34d with cereal to have a comp1337 balanced breakfast.
by cool4dude April 29, 2005
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Though it is the name of a car made by Pontiac, it has been made an insult by calling the owners of said cars Grand Prix (pronounced Pricks.)
"Did you see those guys cut us off?"

"Sure did Bob, they were some grand prix"
by cool4dude May 4, 2005
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One that diver or plunges into the anus (especially a homosexul.) The references is meant to bring forth imagery of a scuba diver in a wet suit diving into the ocean, like a penis plunging into an ocean of ass.
He didn't wear a snorkel but we could all tell that he was an anal diver.
by cool4dude April 29, 2005
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One that binges but fails to purge.
Joe was fat because he was only half bulimic.
by cool4dude April 29, 2005
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My friend was talking about the FIFA World Cup, then he asked if I watched it and I said, "I would never watch that damn Lawyer Ball!"
by cool4dude December 16, 2006
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Vomitcore can be used in jest to refer to hardcore bands who's singers scream is so incoherrent and raw it sounds as if he may vomit.

Vomitcore is also a hypothetical genre of intense music in which the the vocalist doesn't sing, but merely vomits to the song, allowing the sounds of his upchucking to add to the mood of the music.
The janitor finally finished mopping up the stage after a vomitcore band played.
by cool4dude April 29, 2005
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