190 definitions by Steven

Although a music type much like THRASH, the term THRASH is too closly related to METAL, THRASH METAL, and the like. Don't get me wrong all mentioned above rule!!! Fastcore is a more clean sounding, usually non grinding guitars, abrasivly fast drums (blast beats), with usually mid to higher pitched screamin vocals...?
fuck on the beach, charles bronson, cold world,....etc...
by Steven March 24, 2005
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the act of borrowing golf carts to drive around on teh golf course at night.
man we swamped good last night
by Steven February 14, 2003
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the bad guys from the movie 'the chronicals of riddick'

they wore these weird red glass masks or something
holy shit that necromunger is comin at us, ahhhh
by Steven April 6, 2005
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Abbreviation - "It is not" all in one handy word.
It'sn't a crappy word you just dont know how to use it.
by Steven November 22, 2004
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1. The feeling of affection that starts at your heart then surges through your whole body and then hits your stomach as if your stomach is filled with butterflies.
3. One of the greatest things a person feels
2. A strong, glimps feeling of love
"Steven gets The Feeling everytime he sees, feels, or thinks of Jacqui"
by Steven March 21, 2004
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To take a shortcut. Sometimes refers to doing something more quickly or for a lesser cost, but at a lesser quality.
In order to save time, some workers cut corners and don't wash their hands after going to the bathroom.

The manager told the cashier, "When selling cigarettes, you cannot cut corners. You must check their ID."
by Steven May 30, 2004
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