11 definitions by Steve820

The worst year. Ever.

It all began with fears of WW3, fires, Trump's impeachment, and Kobe Bryant's death. And then a worldwide pandemic came and ground the world to a halt, causing lockdowns to be enforced everywhere, cancelling or postponing all sporting events, school, and basically every other event that requires gatherings in order to enforce social distancing. That means no more Olympics and most classes/ceremonies/gatherings being held online on Zoom (or similar). COVID-19 has killed HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of people, infected millions, and absolutely devastated the economy, causing 1930s Depression-level unemployment and the greatest recession of our lifetimes. "Stay Home. Save Lives." is the mark of 2020.

On top of all that, there's been swarms of killer locusts, other kinds of natural disasters, and severe political unrest. Tensions with China, Iran, Russia, etc. are at an all time high. America is more divided than ever - the MAGA vs. Democrat rivalry plus the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, etc. and the resulting outrage is plunging the nation into civil unrest. And the election is a choice between two old incompetent white men in mental decline (but Jo Jorgensen is a good alternative). Democrats couldn't choose anyone worse than Biden, and Trump is well...Trump.

This trainwreck of a year should be forgotten by all history books going forward. If we survive to 2021, no one shall speak of this year...ever. again. And remember when we thought 2016 was bad?
History class in the year 2050:

Teacher - And class, that was it for 2019. Next lesson is on 2021, and get ready because it will be a huge one!
Student - Wait, why aren't you telling us about 2020?
Teacher - We don't speak of that year. Ever.
Student - Why not?
Teacher - Well... think of someone infected with a deadly virus (all alone in social isolation) taking the most massive dump ever, add vomit, maggots, and locusts to that pile of dump, and multiply the whole thing by social unrest, economic crisis, incompetent politicians, threats of war, as well as all the evil you can ever imagine, and there's your answer. You'll get PTSD if I dared to tell you more about that forbidden year.
by Steve820 May 29, 2020
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An acronym frequently used during Donald Trump's campaign:

The illegal immigrants met their fate at Donald Trump's wall.
by Steve820 May 9, 2016
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A stick man figure, possibly one of the best emoticons ever. If you're reading this, you probably got very bored and decided to type this stick man figure in the search bar.
Guy 1: Are you really a human?
Guy 2: Hell yeah! O-)--<
by Steve820 December 3, 2014
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A phrase said before someone says something very unfortunate. If a guy says this to a lady or vice versa, they might be about to do an unexpected breakup because one of them did something that the other person REALLY didn't like, or it could be used in any situation where bad news just needs to be given. For example, it could also be said when a big and exciting event is about to end or just before a very life-changing event that might possibly ruin the other guy's life forever.
Guy 1: I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the year that you really liked and wanted to last forever, 2014, is coming to a close in a few days! So sorry dude, but every single old thing has to come to an end!

Guy 2: Really? But I hope 2015 will also be awesome!
by Steve820 December 28, 2015
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2020 2.0. The toned-down version of last year, but not much better.

The world was generally still in a shitty state. The COVID-19 pandemic still raged, with Delta and Omicron upending our lives further. But at least events went on this year, such as the Olympics (delayed from last year), Eurovision, etc. There were more crowds and gatherings this year, as well as packed stadiums, as we try restoring some normalcy.

Most importantly was the vaccine rollout, preventing hospitalization and death for those taking it. Most people got the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA 2-dose shots, with some also getting J&J, AstraZeneca, etc. Conspiracies and anti-vax sentiments ran rampant, with many in the US saying "no", and there were many protests against vax mandates/passports worldwide.

Divisions in 2021 are getting worse in the "Divided States of America". Democrats and Republicans have increasingly irreconcilable differences. With the historic events of 1/6 and other factors, we may be headed towards civil war in the next few years. 1/6 and the stolen election claims didn't prevent Biden from being inaugurated and attempting to lead during a multitude of crises: pandemic, supply chain, border, inflation, inequality, mental health, threats from Russia/China, rampant gun violence, climate disasters, and his botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

Even the weather was crazy, with the Feb. cold snap/power crisis, Northwest heat wave, Ida, wildfires, and a strange Dec. with tornadoes and unusual warmth.
In the year 2100, history classrooms be like:
- Teacher: Hey students, are you ready to learn about 2020 and 2021? Perhaps one of the worst times in modern history with the COVID-19 pandemic on top of other crises over crises, as well as a multitude of human stupidity. Warning: This topic is sensitive and will probably give you PTSD just by me teaching you about it. Are you SURE you're ready?!?!
- Students: AAHHHH nooo!!!
by Steve820 December 28, 2022
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A phrase used by pre-teens or kids to make them sound like they're the best badass in the world when in fact they're not. Get rekt users are usually found on Minecraft, Roblox, Runescape, online games, or they could even be trolling others in the YouTube comment section. If you spot one tell them that they are actually the one who should be "rekt"!
10 year old on Runescape: Get rekt m8!1!
Regular guy: SHUT UP!
by Steve820 December 16, 2014
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Someone who is extremely obsessed and addicted to taking selfies. They're usually found taking selfies like every 5 minutes (or less) either with themselves or with their friends, brothers, and sisters. They also have a very decorated background so they can take the most awesome-looking selfies possible. The selfie-addict can post all their selfies on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, or other social media in an attempt for their selfies to get a whole bunch of likes and comments even though they're just doing it to say "look at me!" every single time. These guys are annoying and if you spot one in public, you probably won't go pass them without them saying "Hey, wanna take a fantastic selfie with me? It'll look awesome on Snapchat!!".
Jason posted brand new selfies every single minute on his Instagram, I had to un-follow him because of that! He's such a real selfie-addict!

A guy at my school named Tyler came up to me and said "Hey dude, let's take a selfie together? Shall we?! I've already taken selfies with about 20 other guys, and you're next!!" <-- another selfie-addicted guy
by Steve820 April 30, 2014
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