31 definitions by Redwhitencrue25

A TV show on FOX that was probably the funniest show EVER in the history of television. It started on 1-31-99 and after 1 or 2 seasons, FOX was in probably the biggest and worst drug haze ever and decided that the millions of happy viewers who were fans of the show were wrong and they cancelled the show on Valentines Day, 2002. Good job, cupid. After this, the show hit it big on other channels such as TBS and Adult Swim. FOX finally came to their senses and begged the creator, Seth MacFarlane, to create another season. Season 3 aired on 5-1-05, after 3 long, painful years. You can find it on FOX's "Animation Domination" sunday nights at 9.
Chris: Guess what word I'm thinking. Hint: It's deffinately NOT kitty.
Meg: Oh, I don't know. Is it KITTY?
Chris: GET OUT OF MY HEAD (runs upstairs in tears)
by Redwhitencrue25 July 19, 2005
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One more reason that MTV needs to be shot down. 12 "unsuspecting" kids being brought into a bullshit stereotype "70's style" abode. Not everyone wore short shorts, polyester, brown plaid, or listened to disco.
DIPSHITS! Ever hear of KISS, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, Cream, or Judas Priest? They ain't disco. Why don't you have the contestants dance to "Detroit Rock City" or "You Really Got Me" instead of "the Hustle"? God, MTV. I shall kill you in your sleep.
by Redwhitencrue25 July 22, 2005
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1) Sick ass drummer of the band Mötley Crüe.
2) New slang for a large penis; commonly mistaken for rockets or flagpoles.
1) Did you go to the Crüe show last night!? Tommy Lee kicked ass!
2) Mom: Jenny, what did I tell you about licking flagpoles in the winter!?
Jenny: No, mom! Thith ith a Tommy Lee!
Mom: Well, shit!
by Redwhitencrue25 August 23, 2005
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WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!? 3 years as a site and no one has defined CONEY!? Fine...
A hot dog topped with chili, mustard, onions, and sometimes sauerkraut.
by Redwhitencrue25 August 20, 2005
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One who plays the guitar... well. No one cares enough to call you a guitarist if you suck, they'll just say that you play the guitar. You have to have some sort of skill level to be adressed as a guitarist.
Eddie Van Halen, Yngwie Malmsteen, Slash, Randy Rhodes, Carlos Santana, Joe Satriani, Kirk Hammett, George Lynch, and Ted Nugent. THOSE are guitarists.
by Redwhitencrue25 August 20, 2005
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Punch line to the greatest joke EVER! Combination of "elephant" and "rhino". Pronounced "hell if I know".
Grandpa Joe: What do you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino?
Me: I don't know. What DO you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino?
Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If that were any funnier, it would have to be banned by the FCC like anything else that's funny!
by Redwhitencrue25 July 22, 2005
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One who has exceptionally good musical abilities.
Eddie Van Halen, Tommy Lee, Neil Pert, Les Claypool, Geoff Tate, Freddie Mercury, Slash, and me :)
by Redwhitencrue25 July 21, 2005
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