1 definition by Ob-scene

The ultimate in shoe deception. Con-cons are shoes that have been produced in the exact same style as the famous Converse All Star, but do not have any affiliation with the Converse company and therefore do not carry the converse all-star logo. The product is always strikingly similar, and on many occasions almost identical to the originial converse shoe in shape, design, proportions, and stitching. There are two main differences between con-cons and the genuine converse all-star. Firstly, as mentioned before, the trademarked converse all-star logo is not printed on side of the shoe. Secondly, the cost differs to a great extent, as con-cons are usually only sold at large department stores like K-mart or Target, but are sometimes seen at clothing stands at weekend markets. There has been an increase in the production of con-cons in the last few years, in an attempt to cash in on the 'emo' and 'scene' fashion trends. Con-cons offer the simple emo or scene individual an alternative to spending $90.00 on genuine converse all stars.
Scene guy: "Check out my new Converse all-stars, I have eight pairs now"

Emo girl: "They look just like my trusty con-cons"

Scene guy: "Yeah, but they're fake and therefore I am cooler than you"

Emo girl: "Fake they may be, but with the hundreds of dollars I have saved from purchasing these knock-offs over the years, I have purchased tickets to Soundwave to see Silverstein"

Scene guy: "I can't afford to go to Soundwave..."

by Ob-scene February 16, 2009
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