11 definitions by Mb500

The orgasmic feeling you get from the first chord of a song.
That first song by the choir in the cathedral gave me a chordgasm.
by Mb500 March 23, 2009
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When you have a Facebook Wall-to-Wall with someone and due to Facebook's new complicated homepage layout, you write your wall comment in the "What's on your mind?" box, exposing everyone to the conversation.
Oh damn. I walled in my status again. Ugh. How lame.

I wish I hadn't walled in the status. Now it's public knowledge that I had anal with Ja'mie.
by Mb500 March 26, 2009
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When Windows Vista is removed from a computer that is being crippled by its presence, for replacement for the stable and "much lighter" Windows XP.
My netbook is working so much faster since I de-vista-ed it and put XP on it.
by Mb500 March 2, 2009
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Unplug the earphones is an activity commenced when you are home alone. You sit down in front of your computer, turn on the porn and instead of using your earphones to listen as you normally would, you unplug them and crank the sound right up.
Me: So Adam, since your brother is going overseas, are you waiting for the day your parents are out and you're home alone so you can unplug the earphones?
by Mb500 July 29, 2009
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The action of clicking the "Like" button on someone's status on Facebook in return for them pressing the "Like" button on your status.
Me: Damn it why did John have to like my status? Now I have to like his about him finding out he has herpes because of like etiquette.
by Mb500 March 28, 2009
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When you Google something and it comes out with an answer. Due to the awesome power of Google, what it says is 99.99% right.
Google says Berlin is the capital of Germany.
by Mb500 April 1, 2009
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When a person getting angry at another person for interrupting their Facebook time.
Matt: "Hey Mike, wanna go out?"
Mike: "FUCK OFF MAN. I'm on Facebook."
Matt: "You should get off Facebook soon Mike. You're getting bad Facebook rage."
by Mb500 October 17, 2008
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