10 definitions by Bradley

anything positive that happens to anyone cool
The following are highlight:

giving facials

lots of hot chicks at a party


finding a check for 750 bucks in your sock drawer
by Bradley December 4, 2003
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a word that doesn't exist, but should
"Yo Mollie, that sniglet you mentioned last night should exist, but doesn't"
by Bradley December 8, 2004
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Brotha, check out this new Mars Volta shit - yeah, I thought that dinosaur shit was dead too, but this is wack!
by Bradley April 22, 2004
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A thing or a place is so over the top fabulous that it is very cool.
Your new hair do is totaly Fabu.
You must have gone to Fabu to get that do?
by Bradley January 30, 2005
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"Bradley, your hose bag of a mom hates me"
by Bradley December 8, 2004
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my republican dominican ese who only eats tacos and burritos and watches a night at the roxbury and office space- you know how we do
ex 1 damm buyay is that your 313th taco?
ex 2 shit michelle you gott tittie residue all over my quarter
by Bradley February 2, 2005
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