5 definitions by Bigethovdaceth

A haircut that was popular in the mid-90's that was started off in swinton, greater manchester. It involves having all of the hair shaved off to a '1' or a '0' but leaving the fringe either all the way round or just the middle of the forehead. It is still popular in the north-east and scotland now apparently.
Look at that tosser with a swinton fringe, "it's the 21st century now ya nob"
by Bigethovdaceth February 7, 2005
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A BIG club on the BIG stage, they have MASSIVE potential. They are a HUGE GIGANTIC ENORMOUS club. Most of their supporters come from the town of stockport though.
My name is bertie magoo
I am a bitter blue,
My club is very big,
My willy is very small,
and that is all.
by Bigethovdaceth February 7, 2005
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Liverpool is the worlds most notorius slum. It was established as a major slum in 1971 when Karl Shanks Scallio who was crowned leader, was exiled there from the respectable city of Salford for robbing too many Pensioners. Since then the situation has deteriorated, poverty is at 98%, 9 out of 10 children don't know who their biological father is. Things came to head in early 1996 when the whole of the slum had to be fenced off to protect the elderly. As of 2005 things seem to be only getting worse, tanks and helicopters were recently sent in to help protect the OAPs who wanted to collect their pensions. Some plus points though, 10% of households now have running water, electricity and sewage, and there are now 249 telephones in operation.
Be wary of what lies at the western end of the east lancs road.
by Bigethovdaceth February 7, 2005
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A term used to describe a native of the town of Eccles about 6 miles west of Manchester, England.
Look at that smartly dressed young chap over there, he's got class, he must be an eccles cake.
by Bigethovdaceth February 7, 2005
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