4 definitions by AnonymousDictionarist

An online gaming store created by Valve as a way to make money off of games, people worked hard on, just so they can make a profit because THEY'RE TOO DAMN LAZY TO MAKE HALF-LIFE 3 OR A NEW PORTAL GAME! Way to go Gabe Newell, suck up all the profits from the hard work indie developers go through only to find out all the cash goes to Newell buying more Big Macs to sustain his life-support.
Gabe Newell:"Suddenly I lost my ability to make new games."
Valve Employee: "Dude, let's be like EA and make a store called Steam, where we trick game developers to making games on the store, where they believe they would get the majority of the profit, but in reality, we take all the cash and buy another McDonalds for you."
Gabe Newell: "That's a shit-tastic idea!"
by AnonymousDictionarist November 24, 2015
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The title of that horrible Justin Bieber album that just came out. Seriously what the crap happened to him. All tattooed to make himself look like a nigga. Trying to wear the badass look, but fails miserably.
Bieber Fan: "Imma going to get that new Purpose album!"
Me: "F*** You Retard!"
by AnonymousDictionarist November 24, 2015
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A videogame created by Nintendo to realistically simulate what driving is like in Italy.
Italian Driver: "It's a-like Mario Kart onna these streets!"
by AnonymousDictionarist November 24, 2015
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That horrible feature in every search engine that tells everyone who looks at it, what your favorite hentai or porn site is. Extremely classified stuff, Protect it with your life
Normal Guy:"Hey guys, don't look at my search history."
Another Guy:"You don't have a search history...if you know what I mean."
by AnonymousDictionarist November 24, 2015
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