10 definitions by Andy Somers

A gender neutral and more more negative alternative for the derogatory "DoucheBag."

Technically, a "LegBag" is a plastic bag strapped to one's lower leg, with a tube that runs up to a medical device called a catheter, which inserts through the urethra into the bladder, to drain the urine. The Leg Bag collects the urine. A small spigot or valve on the bottom of the bag allows it to be drained.

By contrast, an actual Douche Bag holds the clean fluid to be sent via tube to a nozzle which a woman may use for personal hygiene of her genitals. Thus, by extension we could say that a LegBag is much lower on the creep totem pole, beyond douche, possibly even surpassing asshole in some cases.

However, as the LegBag is a somewhat passive device collecting urine, LegBag can be directed toward those that are the lackey or sycophant of a total asshole. For instance, you could say that Rudy Giuliani is Donald Trump's LegBag.
Direct: "Harvey is such a LegBag, he told my sister he'd cast her in a film if she had sex with him, but he never did."

Possessive: "Rush Limbaugh is the alt-right's LegBag"

Literal: "Donald Trump is such a LegBag — even Russian escorts drain their piss on him."
by Andy Somers February 2, 2020
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1) A deliberate misspelling of "historical" and "hysterical" to create a portmanteau, which means literally "very funny history" or "funny today, though it was serious at the time."

2) An extension of this meaning is to derisively imply that something today is garbage, of little importance, or no value — but might have "histerical value" in the future.
1) "The TV Show Dragnet is a histerical example of 1960s attitudes."

2) "I am keeping these videos of Trump speaking for their histerical value."
by Andy Somers February 12, 2020
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Similar to "dummy text", "text filler" or "greeking". Gack is anything used in a design as a temporary place holder before being replaced by an actual design element. For instance, filling columns of text with "Lorem ipsum dolor...", or using a textured box where an image or other design element might go in a layout.

Gack can also mean something in an image or design which serves a technical purpose that is intended to be removed in the final product, such as tracking dots on a plain wall being filmed, or a wire harness on an actor that needs to be painted out.
"We need the actual text so we can replace the gack in the layout before sending it to print."

"The VFX Artist will have to paint out all this gack that is in the shot before it can be used".
by Andy Somers December 15, 2018
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