2 definitions by cadillac_nickname

-Being scared shirtless, being 28273% terrified, but fighting anyway.

-Doing the right thing, or what is right, even if it hurts.
"Grandpa look! It's Superman! And Iron-man and Captain America! Can I be like them one day? A hero? Be courageous, and honest, and have bravery-"
"Bravery," the man sneered, "Is losing everything you have to the darkness, but still finding the light within you to fight. Are you ready to lose everything? Are you ready to die?"
by cadillac_nickname March 11, 2016
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Standing by the people and the things you love, even in the darkest times because you're willing to brave the dark shadows and the monsters in darkness, and even in the greatest of times, because you're not afraid to let them shine with an intensity so bright, it scorches the ground they walk on.
When the battle rages, there the soldiers loyalty is proved.
by cadillac_nickname March 11, 2016
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