20 definitions by boon

The Rogan is an abbreviation of the "ROyal groGAN". It applies to a grogan of complete and absolute perfection in all categories of analysis. The rogan is very rare, and if in a lifetime you lay 2 or 3 of these great creations, you have led a successfull existence.

There is much debate as to whether one can lay a perfect (or royal) grogette but still not create a rogan. My personal belief is that a royal grogette does not immediately imply a rogan.

See also the shogan for the antonym of the rogan.
After months of practice, Dennis laid a grogan so perfect in size, beauquet and valeur it could be termed by no other word than the rogan.
by boon September 8, 2004
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JACKSEL< When one masturbates behind girls back, slags on her back (thinking thats its cum) and she turns around, then you cum in her eye causing severe pain and discomfort>
did u hear Boon gave her a jacksel.
hahah i jackselled u.
by boon April 8, 2005
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Kelsey is the most nicest guy you will ever meet, he’s always by your side no matter what, he’s funny,also will make your day, he’s kinda goofy and has that funny cheeky laugh, he is also quite smart if you ever need help I would go to him.
Kelsey can you help Me out

Hahah your so funny you made my day
by boon April 27, 2018
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The meaning of this word has its roots in quantum mechanics. In essence, when a person goes to lay a grogan in the shitter, quantum theory states that there is a finite (although very small) probability that the shitter will actually lay a grogan into the person. This occurence is very rare and it is said the victims of the Nagorg reach a deeply spiritual (and highly painful) state.

The word Nagorg applies to a grogaN in reserve, hence its name.
After receiving his third nagorg in as many weeks from the local dunny at the pub, Unwin promptly left town.
by boon February 25, 2004
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The "R.Shogan" is short for the Royal
Shogan, based on 2 words previously defined, where the Rogan is the "perfect or aptly named royal grogan", while the Shogan is the "shithouse grogan" which
doesnt get accepted by the crapper.

Now before you start saying, This
is a Paradox, you've gone nuts, i submit to you the following arguement: A grogan can be so perfect, so outstanding in size and granduer, that the dunny can't actually handle it, and thus treats it as a Shogan. Hence the much awaited term R.Shogan.
For this example I quote from Chapter 4 subsection (c) of the Grogan Enterprises constitution:

"He said to me 'Darryl', and I said 'Yes, Able Seaman Constipato', and he said 'I used to be able to crap so well that I could predict the manner in which the stools would both leave my bowels and enter the dunny. In fact, I got so practiced that I began creating challenges for myself by standing at various heights above the dunny and plying my trade from there. However, on one occasion my nugget was so perfectly rounded, and it entered the dunny at exactly the correct angle, that it in fact created a vacuum and sent, with considerable force, the nuggest flying straight back up my arse'.

I it thus that the R.Shogan had its beginnings, perhaps not in words,
but at least in history."
by boon September 8, 2004
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The Aargan often occurs after strong doses of laxatives (or all you can eat chinese buffet), causing the person to lay grogans with such fierce animosity that they proceed to shit out their aggots.

The Aargan means an "Aggot grogan", and most often applies to males (with the exception of mingin' women).
After Jed laid an Aargan in his wife's golfing bag, they were eaten by the local chud on the back 9.
by boon March 1, 2004
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The odometer is a tool that aids in the measurement of one's grogan. It measures the smell of a grogan, using a system based on the smelliest races of people.
Wow, i really left a Chinaman drowning in there.
by boon March 28, 2004
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