10 definitions by TADPOOL

An incredibly popular men's hairstyle that tells you everything you need to know about their personality, they're a douchebag

*Not to be confused with old-men-type comb-overs.*
Everyone seems to have comb-overs lately. Nazi Youth would be proud!
by TADPOOL August 22, 2017
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When someone persists with an activity long after it's lost its merit or factor of amusement for others. You know the sort of people, they hang around long after a party has ended, use the same joke over and over again. They'll continue doing their thing no matter how tedious it becomes for those around them.
*Aidan just wanted to give Juan's skateboard a quick try, but he's been on it for hours now and refuses to get off*

Juan mumbles, "Damn, this bastard is really tearing the ring out of it"
by TADPOOL September 28, 2016
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Do what you feel is best, what makes you happy. You do you! (A relatively new piece of South African slang)
*Tristan asks what colour he should choose*
Morgan replies, "Dala what you must!"
by TADPOOL September 6, 2016
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A response to cheeky/sarcastic remarks or behaviour by others. Usually used in jest.
*John looks at the F symbol on his physics paper in horror*
His friend nudges him and says, "All that hard work really paying off hey?"
John replies, "That's a cheek!"
by TADPOOL October 5, 2016
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The totem attached to the scrotum. Ie. A man's dick or penis.

A humorous innuendo comparing a totem pole to a penis, specifically in reference to one that is erect or perceived to be.
Warren said, "Dude, that guy just erected a scrotum totem in his trousers"
by TADPOOL June 3, 2023
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To state a categorical opinion, only to change your mind and state a completely different opinion on the same matter later on. Originally used to describe how ANC Secretary General Gwede Mantashe changed his mind during the #ZumaMustFall protests in South Africa. He was originally in support of Zuma resigning, but later voiced his undying support for the presidency.
Sarah used to love Justin Bieber, but she mantashed, she hates him now.
by TADPOOL August 22, 2017
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