9 definitions by OctopusProbably

Do you remember that one kid who would always make up insane and over-the-top lies about themselves to look cooler and you always believed them because you were in Kindergarten/1st Grade and were too gullible to realize they were lying? Yeah.
Person 1: "Remember that girl who INSISTED she was a shapeshifter but 'couldn't prove it' because she 'can only shapeshift on weekends'? What was her name?"
Person 2: "Yeah, her name was Cheryl."
Person 1: "Dude, Cheryl was such a lieshitter."
Person 2: "Yeah."
by OctopusProbably March 23, 2022
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It's that guy who came to town riding on a small horse, stuck a feather in his hat and in a silly, and in a possibly ill informed manner named that feather after an Italian pasta dish.
Guy 1: "Yankee doodle came to town a riding on a pony, stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni!"
Guy 2: "My good chap I find it quite silly that you think a song with such silly lyrics is a song you find yourself unironically silly, the thought of naming a feather in one's hat after an Italian pasta is so preposterous that I-"
Guy 1: "Ayo dickhead, the song's two-fucking-hundred years old."
by OctopusProbably March 28, 2022
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When you want to see if a cover of Fireflies is good, so you skip to the part where they sing "I like to make my self believe, that planet Earth turns slowly".
Guy 1: What're you doing?

Guy 2: I'm looking for a cover of Fireflies to listen to, but they all suck.

Guy 1: Well just do The Planet Earth Test to get faster results.
by OctopusProbably October 24, 2022
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Person 1: " I have dementia."
Person 2: "Wow that sucks! How did you find out?"
Person 1: "I just got told by my doctor, dumbass."
Person 2: "Oh yeah, anything else you want to tell me?"
Person 1: "Oh yeah, I wanted to tell you I had dementia."
by OctopusProbably March 23, 2022
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The only Korea, ruled by Kim Jong Un, the glorious leader!
Not a North Korean Guy: I wanna go to South Korea one day!
A North Korean Guy: What's a South Korea? The only Korea I know is Best Korea.
by OctopusProbably December 23, 2021
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This is used by absolute Chad gamer gods to depict major shock or slight fear.
Guy 1: You ever think about how time is just a never ending march forward, that at some point; everyone we know, love, hate, admire and entertain will be dead. Ever wonder if there IS such a thing as heaven? If it does, will WE go to it? Will WE go to hell? And if heaven does not exist, what does? Do we just not exist? Are we trapped in our bodies, waiting to decay? I shudder at the thought of being sent to rot in hell or forcing to be buried alive, no, not buried alive, buried dead, yet, awake...
Guy 2: Jeez Louis, Joe.
by OctopusProbably December 22, 2021
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