43 definitions by Maximus

to freestyle (or usually to attempt to do so) with varying degrees of success (usually shitty) to a beat (by chromped up niggas who think they shit)
you say eminem can flow, i say hes a hoe.
by Maximus August 1, 2003
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An experiance by a hetero man when he sees a girl with long blond hair. The girl may or may not be fugly but he will but unsure for sometime.
She is really a brute, when I banged here I was under blong distortion.
by Maximus August 6, 2003
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He didn't want to go out tonight even though it is just flurries. He's being a safety joe.
by Maximus January 27, 2005
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To skull fuck someone (of coarse when you have finished they are dead)
Last night i got my grey wings with sarah louise
by Maximus May 2, 2003
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The commonly referred to name of someone that has been caught pirating illegal music or pornography. This person must only be referred to as "ARGH" from this point hence.
"ARGH, ole Alec got caught downloading the porn again"
by Maximus March 2, 2005
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shorter term used for "just chillin." or can be used in other verbs.
Jonny: "what are you doing?"
Bob: "you know...jchillin at my house."
by Maximus October 6, 2004
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Man look at the bling on that turtle, he is a t-e-r-p.
by Maximus February 9, 2004
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