4 definitions by ManhattenSawbones

Quantard - Someone who is both right and wrong until they tell the truth.
Best to use it when the person knows that the harm they are doing by omoission is severe and acute.
Related LOOSELY to a failminco
TBH I had a funny feeling the equation would collapse in true Quantard fashion
by ManhattenSawbones February 7, 2020
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A female that gets passed around so much she might as well stay spinning o the table.
What did you get up to last night, fuckall went out for dinner but the Susan was broken
by ManhattenSawbones February 7, 2020
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Someone who either is a reject or is unable to do anything but reject themselves and others whether intentionally in the form of being contrary to everything they hear or see or subcuntiously over longer periord ultimately dying like everybody else and thus being rejected by life
Runnn its a reject
by ManhattenSawbones February 7, 2020
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Someone who falls back on racial slur when they have nothing intelligent to respond with

Cunt + Race = Runt
haha what a Runt-ing good come back dot forget to hang it upside down so the Chocolate Milkshake isnt wasted
by ManhattenSawbones February 7, 2020
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