541 definitions by Anon

From the term idiot meaning your stupid. A fool. Someone who acts carelessly.
"your such an eegit"
"What a fukin eegit"
by Anon November 1, 2004
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Prominent in early days of South Park internet community as widely acknowledged "Queen of South Park Fanfiction" in the early days of Mr. Hat's Hellhole and Beef-cake.com forums. Managed 'Rights For Kenny' and a successful South Park Fanfic collective as key personal contributions to the community.

Drifted away from South Park community sometime ago and has since seemed more focused on Japanimation endeavors.
SnowCalico is a catgirl. MEOW!
by Anon April 7, 2003
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A show that is watched by 4 year old kids and stoned teenagers.
"I smoked a 3-rizla spliff the other day, and watched sesame street for 8 hours"
by Anon April 25, 2005
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The condition that happens to the living space of any bachelor. Characterized by piled papers on the table, dirty dishes on the sink and laundry everywhere except for where it should be.
I have to go home and deal with the bachelor blight in my apartment before friends show up.
by Anon October 13, 2007
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A song by American ska-punkers Reel Big Fish. A song about getting over past loves and moving, with the help of the western hemispheres favourite drink.
She called me late last night, to say she loved me so
It didn't matter anymore, but I say she never cared
And that she never will, I'd do it all again
I guess I'll have to wait until then
If i get drunk well, I'll pass out
On the floor now baby
You won't bother me no more
If you're drinkin' well, you know
That you're my friend and I say
I think I'll have myself a beer
She called me late last night, to say she loved me
So..? but I guess he changed her mind
Well i should have known it wouldn't be
All right, but I can't live without her
So i won't even try...
Maybe some day, I'll think of what to say
Maybe next time I'll remember what to do
She looks like heaven, maybe this is hell
Said she'd do it all again, she'd promise not to tell!
If i get drunk well, I'll pass out
On the floor now baby
You won't bother me no more
(And she said)
It's ok boy cause you know
We'll be good friends
And I say, I think I'll have myself a beer
by Anon January 2, 2004
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