6 definitions by (©_©)

(can be spelled rit also)
1) an ugly girl
2) a girl who is hot save for a single part of her face that makes her ugly (chin, nose etc.)
"awww she's rit"
"awww she's ryt"
by (©_©) April 7, 2015
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Big Ass Big Tits Ugly Face
a girl who has an ugly face but is otherwise asthetically pleasing
dayum that girl suffers from BABTUF!
by (©_©) April 7, 2015
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The 'trial' period of a relationship between a boy and a girl, if the two succesfully remain steady for a month they can become Boyfriend and Girlfriend, if this happens the two must shift in front of a substantial group of friends. During the time of going steady it is not compulsory for either the boy or the girl to parttake in any romantic acts other than meet and sit together for a while once a day. It is forbidden to propose going steady to a girl before engaging in two weeks worth of flirty texting, snapchatting etc.
Sexting is not compulsory between the two but is common
by (©_©) April 7, 2015
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any small time (>50 subscribers) youtuber who is constantly abused by friends and family in the comments of their videos even though they have nothing wrong with their content, commentary or anything like that.

inspired by the youtuber 'arterisk'
oh look that guy is an Arterisk
by (©_©) April 6, 2015
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a person who is funny, tough and generally a nice person
by (©_©) May 13, 2015
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