22 definitions by yankee

the phalanx was a group of men, usually greek, who stood with over lapping spears, some as long as 20 feet. This formation was the greeks heavy infantry for hundreds of years. The macadonains took much of the world with this formation, and the spartans perfected it.
the strongest men would stand on the left flank
by yankee July 24, 2005
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1.Of or relating to Africa or its peoples, languages, or cultures.
2.A native or inhabitant of Africa.
3.A person of African descent.
as i was drowning in quick sand i saw 2 african hunters come to my rescue.
by yankee April 2, 2003
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A Cantonese expression of displeasure.
Aiya! I just got PKed!

*stubs toe* Aiya!
by yankee February 23, 2003
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A hell hole made for no one over the age of 9. The intense heat adds to the sound of joyful children screaming and running and spilling ice cream. There is nothing for someone over the age of 9 to do there, the rides suck. go to cedar point.
that damned mouse owns disney world, one day ill kill him.
by yankee February 20, 2006
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The city with the highest murder and corruption rate per capita in the north east of the united states. This ghetto of a town has roughly 55 murders per year.
Jim traficant, thats youngstown for ya
by yankee September 22, 2005
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A bunch of losers who were rejected by the "cool" people at a young age. Now, they sit up all night and play games like starcraft, listen to death metal, cut their rists, and wear black. They are pussy losers and shouldnt be taken serioulsy. No respectable adult wears that black shit. Id love seeing you try to get a real job wearing that stupid black shit at an interview.
go cut your wrists little depressed goth, the faster your type is taken off of the earth, the better.
by yankee May 7, 2005
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The original term for pop (soda pop) used by southerners and hicks with twangy accentts.
Jethro --- "I guess I better go get me one of dat dare soda pops."
by yankee November 15, 2004
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