6 definitions by worldweaver

1. A word used in an uncomfortable social situation, or when conversation has ground to a halt.

2. A word to mean virtually anything, similar to meh.
(Guy No.1) What is your fav. food?
(Guy No.2) Has to be cheese.
(Guy No.1) My mother died choking on cheese.
*Long Silence*
(Guy No.2) Pleth

(Mom) Billy, you were a Grade A student and had so much going for you, then your life collapsed when you started smoking cannabis. You dropped out of school, grew obscenely fat and cut off all of the fingers of your left hand. As your mother, i dont know what to do. Please just tell me, why? *sob*
(Billy) Pleth
by worldweaver January 25, 2006
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when browsing a site/search engine, each page presents 2 or more interesting links which are then clicked by the unwitting web surfer.

eventually you end up with about 17385329374834578245 tabs.
urbandictionary, what's that?

oh wow, an entry for 'binary tabbage', hmm...

oh look, whats this at the bottom 'i'd hit it'? looks cool.

hmm, what's that, 'rainbow'? i dunno what that means.

oh and look at that...

by worldweaver December 5, 2006
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see repetitive
thats right, just keep on clicking. eventually you will realize what repetitive is.
by worldweaver March 6, 2006
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when using instant messengers, this term refers to the deliberate lag or pause left in between exchanges by either party.

deliberlag is often employed by people who wish to appear more cool on messengers: leaving a gap between exchanges implies they are either too busy to put the other party at a high priority, or they are having so many conversations, it takes at least five minutes to cycle through them all.

(17:23) Cool Guy: Hi

(17:23) Twat: Hi

(17:23) Cool Guy: u ok?


(17:46) Twat: yeh u

(17:47) Cool guy: im good

(17:47) Cool guy: wubu2?


(19:28) Twat: nm u


by worldweaver December 5, 2006
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many would think it was a random hit on the keyboard but realli it is a common african/english drink made from the a combitation of toenail clippings and hair from less plesent places unfortanly it is less than common in modern times.
hey bar man get me a JDH
by worldweaver August 17, 2006
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3F2 + Cl2 => ClF3

Gas at room temperature.

Corrosive - burns skin. Fatal if inhaled. Causes serious permanent eye and skin damage. Strong oxidiser - ignites or reacts violently with organic or inorganic combustible substances, including every known fuel as well as human tissue with no ignition delay. It can corrode any substance containing oxygen. Decomposes in water to form a variety of hazardous compounds including Hydrofluoric Acid, which melts metals, semimetals and glass and destroys inner body tissues, leaving outer tissues untouched, rendering symptoms invisible. Hydrofluoric Acid in particular damages the heart, liver, kidneys and nerves.

Reacts with Phosphorus to form Phosphorus Trichloride, which is lethal in just a few minutes in concentrations of 600ppm or higher.

Reacts with Sulphur to form Sulphur Dichloride, which reacts with water to form Hydrogen Chloride, which is corrosive when it reacts with body tissue, causing inflammation of the nose throat and upper respiratory tract and pulmonary edema when inhaled. In contact with the skin, it causes severe burns and causes serious permanent eye damage. Also reacts with Sulphur to form Sulphur Tetrafluoride, that reacts with water to form Hydrofluoric Acid (as Chlorine Trifluoride does) and Thionyl Fluoride, which is irritant to the eyes, skin and respiratory system.

Also known as N-stoff, Nazi rocket fuel and chemical weapon developed exclusively by the SS.

In other words, chlorine trifluoride corrodes, melts or ignites any substance, depending on how much oxygen it contains.

Make chlorine trifluoride by mixing chlorine and fluorine.

Have fun.
by worldweaver August 29, 2007
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