5 definitions by Moondog

A more poetic way to say someone is dead. Term comes from the practice of digging down six feet below the surface to place coffins.
"Grandpa would have liked this movie if he were alive to see it, but he's six feet under."
by Moondog January 19, 2004
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Sol and Muzzy are the sp1n's of quake.
by Moondog June 14, 2003
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Describes an appearance of an object not aligned the way one would expect it to be. This is not necessarily pejorative since an object could be designed or placed to be out of alignment.
"If you really want to put a king-size bed in that small room of yours, you will have to put it all tilty-wack just to get in and out of the room."

"That tabletop is tilty-wack. Everything rolls right off."
by Moondog January 19, 2004
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The act of dropping one's face / forehead into one's hand. Usually accompanied by a "thunk" or a cr a cry of "D'oh!"

Usually written between asteriks in online conversation, to demonstrate an action.

Similar to *headdesk*
Today I locked my keys in my car. Again. *facepalm*
by Moondog February 11, 2004
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To make something official. To bring official meaning to something.
I just Officialised the word "Officialise" by adding it to the Urban Dictionary
by Moondog January 2, 2004
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