23 definitions by Godfather

Meaning bitch but sounds better.
Damn bitchlit gf doesnt wanna do it without a condom
by Godfather July 15, 2003
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The time when the American public must decide who they want to fuck up their country for the next 4 years.
Flip a quarter and vote accordingly...
by Godfather August 7, 2004
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Usually used to refer to the head of an Sicilian crime family/organization (Mafia). Being someone's Godfather was a great honor in Sicilian culture, and he was expected to help in the upbringing of the baptized child, almost like a third parent.

The head of a criminal organization would look over all it's members in the same way, while he might not be related to any of them.

The term Godfather didn't really catch on until the movie(s) were released.
The Godfather settled all disputes within the family.
by Godfather June 29, 2005
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In some regions, refers to marijuana, or more specifically, a blunt.
He fired up his chuba and chilled out on the porch.
by Godfather June 29, 2005
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One addicted to films.
"I love films, I consider myself a bit of a cinephile..."
by Godfather March 11, 2005
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Cult of the Dead Cow.

Founded in 1984 in Texas, the cDc was a group of hackers who came together to create one of the most-accomplished groups of the computer underground.

The group started out by publishing the very first "e-zine", and has continued to be a leading developer in Internet privacy and security tools to this day. Extremely famous for remote administration tools Back Orifice and BO2K.

cDc is also a hot spot for news from around the world and has articles related to computer programming/hardware/administration/hacking, in addition to articles about anything and everything else.

In short, these guys were the original 1337 h4x0rz.
"All of us in the cDc participate in this site. If you want to complain because this ain't teaching you how to be an 31337 hax0r, you can eat our collective ass. Thx!"
-From the cDc homepage.
by Godfather July 16, 2005
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Total suckdom

- Rorsach -
• Dude, come play RvS in ma room
- No dude, I can't, my comp is fucked up
• bahness
by Godfather January 5, 2004
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