An adjective for a person with a tendancy to boast (brag) about themselves, sometimes taking it too far.

it could define someone who is cocky, egotistical, conceited, and or self absorbed.

--I thought of this in the car on feb. 15, 2008 when my friend said she was overqualified for a job
"She's not my type...she's too boasty."
by soon.HK February 23, 2008
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More titties than ass.
Bitch Built Boasty Af.”
by Laf daddy February 9, 2019
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one who slacks off and leaves training early
"dude that guy is such a boastie, he left wushu so early last night!"
by cripplegirl May 26, 2008
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That one girl you know who just won't shut up about how amazing she is.
"Here comes boasty bitch"
by pugglegirly April 25, 2017
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