An overtly permissive (and survivalist) parenting style that reflects the utter exhaustion of any personal time or space from one’s family due to quarantine, isolation, and/or social-distancing requirements in the era of a global pandemic like (but not limited to) that of the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, causing COVID-19 and parental insanity the world over. Best summed up in a meme featuring actor Ken Jeong in a sombrero. Lack of space and sanity means all the rules are different... Professional level Quaranenting often also involves using another pandemic-enabled tool: margarita take-out/delivery.
Normally I discourage skateboarding and soccer in the house but I’m Quaranenting, so I’ll allow it.
by Nezarynew March 29, 2020
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Muslim rock and roll band similar to a christian rock group. However instead of singing about god and jesus, they sing about Mohammed and Allah. A play on words of the band "Duran Duran"
Jerry: "Yea I was getting out of the Mosque yesterday and I decided to pump some Quaran Quaran"
Steve: "Oh yea? What's your favorite song?"
Jerry: "Hungry like Allah. that song rocks"
by jsd1027 October 28, 2010
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a young man specifically into asians and enjoys his red (not cherry) kool aid.
by csnvshcjkckjs January 2, 2011
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A book (not the indian one) consisting of pictures, stories, and other written drawn objects telling a tale of other worlds, hidden by the goverments of Earth.
The U.S. government keeps a close eye on any strange, ethereal activities, for the fear that the secrets of the Quaran may have been revealed.
by Sephir-er, i mean...Bob December 2, 2004
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Quarane is a handsome , smart , male thot who the hoes are lines up to get a chances at him. He also has a huge penis.
by Quarane March 14, 2017
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The infinite amount of time existing while in quarantine from Covid-19. There is no construct in this space. Time is an illusion.
"Is 9 a.m. too early for vodka?"
"No. We're on quaran-time. Bust that shit out."
by KayYo21 March 20, 2020
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