7 definitions by tl

An expression of affirmation in the face of something so righteously cool that you cannot vocalize your pleasure with anything other than a primal grunt...
"Remember that cute girl from that party? I just got a date with her!"

by tl March 8, 2004
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The most beautiful, sweetie you will ever meet. A girl who knows how to make me smile and laugh. A girl who is downright HOTTT. GET YOU SOME OF DAT
I love my Roz. Roz is hotter than a dozen suicide wings.
by tl February 21, 2019
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Big expandable pussy that can fit numerous dicks inside.
Stretched pussy
Lady: He is small
Man: Maybe the ball park was too big, even a 747 (jetplane) looks small in the Grand Canyon
by tl December 25, 2003
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A peronality complex that consists of power trips and false machismo to make up for short height and feelings of inferiority.
George Constanza felt inferior because of his height, but he didn't have much of a napoloeon complex.
by tl February 21, 2005
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(noun) 1. the side opposite to the palm of one's hand 2. a pimp slap with the backhand across a face especially a ho's

(verb) 1. to decisively pimp slap a ho across her face with a backhand 2. to angrily slap a ho across the face resulting from her low capital gains and rebelliousness
(noun) His backhand was freshly imprinted on the ho's complexion because she made just $5.

(verb) "Reverend Dollar" consciously backhanded his ho for reasons unbeknownst to her.
by tl November 20, 2003
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Imitation milk. Contains vitamin R and is cheap enough for Springfeild Elementary to afford.
Bart: Oh, my bones are so brittle. But I always drink plenty of..."malk"?
by tl September 6, 2004
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