10 definitions by olive

an ungrateful, ludicrous, disgusting, unnatractive, bored and sexually active member of the "Hilton" clan. One of the heirs of the Hilton hotel fortune.
Paris Hilton stole a copy of her sex tape from a street vendor claiming her young fans "came by there all the time".
by olive March 16, 2005
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a graphical representation
image used to convey a meaning
by olive May 13, 2004
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Spliff or Joint, popular among skateboarders and BMX Bandits
Oh Spa coming do tha Skate Park for a grind and some riffta's.
by olive August 16, 2004
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An amazing woman with striking features and beautiful hair. Shes the kind of girl your buddies like, but also the type of girl you want to show off. A girl with an incredibly voracious appetite, yet she somehow maintains a hot figure. She is always adventerous in bed, and she is the type of girl that once you meet her, you can't get her off your mind. Sexy! She is a great friend to everyone, and never judges. Intelligence and sarchastic humor are her strong points.

She's beautiful inside out, she has the most amazing eyes, and cute cheeks, she can be bitchy at times but she always has a reason, you'll be lucky to date a Tapti since she is a hopeless romantic, but if you upset her, she will switch to her bad side and be somewhat karma. Best to keep her before someone else catches her. She also has the most amazing smile, you'll fall for her in 10 seconds, she had sexy dance moves too...
Johnny- O my gosh, look at that gorgeous brunette.

Oliver- Which one?

Johnny- That tall one standing with those other girls, she is laughing and wearing those amazing shoes.

Oliver- Wow.

Johnny- Bet you a million dollars that her name is Tapti.

Oliver- No way, I'm not gonna take that bet. Her name couldn't be anything else.
by olive January 27, 2013
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uber school for the intellectually gifted, but doesnt necessarily mean the students are street smart b/c the sixth floor is always crowded with dirks who play Magic and have no girlfriends.
About 3 hot guys and 3,000 ugly ones...HELL for the single girl.
by olive September 1, 2004
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Short slang for a herpies infected individual.
Dude, does she have herp?
by olive October 9, 2003
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1-Person of dubious mental capacity.
2-One whom does not possess sound reasoning.
3-Hired muscle.
4- Character populating the strange island in popeye.
1 - "Ha look at that goon!"
2- "Ed Littlechild is such a goon"
3- "Quick lets bust a move before they send in the goons"
by olive April 16, 2005
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