1011 definitions by QuacksO

A chick who's given to you as a present.
Sergent Louise Lugg is always trying to get Sarge to become romantically involved with her, but he often does not seem overly interested, and so she has to resort to more extreme means of getting his attention, one time even swaddling her massive bulk in a big ribbon and bow, and then presenting herself to him as a "girlft".
by QuacksO November 21, 2022
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A breathing-difficulty caused by saddle-breaking wild horses, either because you spend too much time at it, or because you're just not "cut out for it" physically.
Charlie Brown's intellectually-naive little sister Sally claimed that the Broncitis was a dinosaur that soon became extinct because it coughed a lot. Maybe what actually happened was that its lungs got totally worn out from wheezingly/lumberingly chasing after the speedy prehistoric wild horses who preferred not to become said dino's lunch.
by QuacksO June 3, 2019
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Da traditionally-designed Native-American dwelling-structure where da likes of Paul Revere or Sam Adams would stay overnight if they went to attend pow-wows to negotiate political matters and/or resource-management wif da headdress-wearing members of their countrymen.
A Whigwam would be constructed just like any other traditional Native-American abode; da only difference would be dat it would have an American flag flying from its peak, so dat da villagers would know which dwelling to go to if they needed to speak wif their "white man" visitor.
by QuacksO March 15, 2023
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A decidedly step up da coolness-ladder from merely "cool beans".
Dude #1: Tiffany cuddled naked in bed wif me and let me knead her butt-cheeks and play wif her boobs for half an hour in exchange for my changing her tire.
Dude #2: Wooooo-hooooooooo --- kewl kukumberz! Please let me know if she needs any help wif her computer, heh heh... hubba, hubba!
Dude #1: Will do, Buddy --- we cool dudes need to stick together, eh???
by QuacksO June 28, 2018
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What someone wandering the streets in an apparent "mental blank" claims to have when informed not only of his identity, but dat he's wanted by da cops.
A number of individuals who claim to not know who they are turn out to be escaped convicts; sounds like classic cases of "lamnesia" to me.
by QuacksO September 26, 2022
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To attempt to trick or pressure someone to make a situation more serious or negative than it presently is.
If a policeman asks you to perform some action that seems illegal or unwise, it is usually best to refuse; he may merely be trying to coworse you.
by QuacksO July 3, 2023
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But I **didn't** ask you, so quit flappin' yer gums!
Whenever someone says, "...if you ask me" at the end of a rant-'n'-rave-statement, he is acknowledging that he is feeling ignored. Do NOT encourage him by making ANY response or acknowledgement whatsoever --- this is merely a "fishing" statement to see if anyone's willing to listen to his whiny crybaby blather, so if he senses that anyone at all is even mildly receptive to him, he will not shut up for the next hour! You've been warned.
by QuacksO December 28, 2022
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